There’s an urban legend spreading that Al Leiter was booed at the closing ceremony of Shea Stadium.
I’m not going to claim that not one person booed, but I heard Leiter and Kay are making it sound like Leiter was booed out of the ballpark, ostensibly because he is a Yankee. Well, I was there and it didn’t happen.
I don’t know what Leiter’s motivation is – maybe the two guys closest to him booed him so it sounded loud – but it didn’t happen.
Yogi Berra is kinda a Yankee, he didn’t get booed.
Despite what he says, Kay is not objective. You listen to his radio show for five minutes and it’s clear that the Mets could run off 20 straight championships and he’d still rag on them. He’s one of those Yankee fans. You know the type.
It didn’t happen Al. Cute anecdote, but it didn’t happen.