>Raissman Knows ESPN Hates Children

>Hooray for Bib Raissman who has this to say today about ESPN:

Look, ESPN suits, if they were on the level, would admit that airing a game capable of producing a significant rating is all that matters to them. For them, a high rating is significantly more important than presenting an “historic” moment their announcers will ultimately screw up. A moment which has little significance in Dallas or Green Bay.
You think ESPN would say “no” if someone at NBC wanted to trade this “historic” Yankees-Orioles tilt for tonight’s Cowboys-Packers matchup?
Funny, right? Even funnier is ESPN saying first pitch will be at 8:25 p.m., as if that’s a great time to start a Sunday night game. Don’t be surprised if the game starts closer to 9 p.m. Why do you think ESPN is already spinning it so they can blame the Yankees for a late start?

Is There No Demand On Mets NLDS Tickets?

I find it odd that I got an email this morning telling me I am in the NLDS lottery.   Um “a friend of mine” got one the other day, and “another friend of mine” got told no the other day – and here all of a sudden I get another opportunity.    Cool, yet odd.  

Rest of World Catches Up With Mets Police About 4 Inning Pedro

Hey everybody welcome to the party.   Yep, I’ve been getting attacked all year for not kneeling before the great Four Inning Pedro (the guy that has won like 9 games since June 6, 2006 – I’m too lazy to look up the real number.)

There I was watching SNY and they put up a poll.   Do Mets fans think they got their money’s worth when they signed the leader of the Red Sox to a 4 year deal.  80% said no.

So last night, the Mets trotted out Pedro (and to be fair they have nobody else) and what did Four Inning Pedro do – he spit the bit in the first inning.

I wasn’t shocked, but it did wake up all of Flushing who now suddenly realize that Pedro isn’t good.

Any time I see a headline like Mets Might Make It, Pedro Martinez Might Not I smile.  See ya around Pedro.  Enjoy Boston.

The Definitive Bob Sheppard Article

he batter ripped a line-drive double to tie the score. In his tiny booth adjacent to the press box, Sheppard didn’t realize his microphone was live.

“That’s relief pitching for you, boy!” he said. And the whole stadium heard him.

That’s one of the great stories in today’s Daily News Article about Bob Sheppard.  Sorry to hear you can’t make it tonight Bob.

Raissman Knows ESPN Hates Children

Hooray for Bib Raissman who has this to say today about ESPN:

Look, ESPN suits, if they were on the level, would admit that airing a game capable of producing a significant rating is all that matters to them. For them, a high rating is significantly more important than presenting an “historic” moment their announcers will ultimately screw up. A moment which has little significance in Dallas or Green Bay.
You think ESPN would say “no” if someone at NBC wanted to trade this “historic” Yankees-Orioles tilt for tonight’s Cowboys-Packers matchup?
Funny, right? Even funnier is ESPN saying first pitch will be at 8:25 p.m., as if that’s a great time to start a Sunday night game. Don’t be surprised if the game starts closer to 9 p.m. Why do you think ESPN is already spinning it so they can blame the Yankees for a late start?