Yesterday I suggested it was a good idea to be happy with what the Jets offered. My argument was based upon trying to cut the best deal you can.
I’ve been in correspondence with the guys at and with permission I am sharing an email below. I’m just a dude with a blog, not 60 Minutes so I don’t have time nor energy to fact-check but here’s the viewpoint of what I call The Resistance.
It’s good news and bad news:
First the Good News
I’m happy that the Jets decided to add a benefit that I had discussed at the rally and on the website, which is to allow PSL holders to chance to buy tickets to other stadium events.
I do hope that the Giants follow this lead and add this benefit for their PSL holders as well.
I’m happy that 27,000 seats for the Jets do not have PSLs.
Now the Bad News
Personally, my PSL for the Jets in Section 137 is $10,000 per ticket or $20,000 for my two seats. This is ‘twice’ what the Giants are charging for the same seats.
Also, my game ticket prices are going from their current $80 cost up to $140 per ticket. This is a 75% increase. This is $20 more than the Giants are charging for the same ticket. How can the Jets charge more for their tickets than the Giants? This is inconcievable to me.
Also, every single ticket for the Jets is at or more expensive than the Giants. Even the upper deck that have no PSLs are $10 to $20 higher than the Giants. The Jets have one more section of tickets selling at $700 per ticket per game called the Great Hall Club, where the Giants are asking $160 for these same seats.
In the end the Jets plan is not Fan Friendly. They are raising the same or more revenue than the Giants and charging more money for their tickets than the World Champion Giants.
Hard to believe but true.