Famous Dodger To Be At Shea For Final Weekend

Mike Piazza, the great Dodger will return to Shea Stadium for the final weekend.

My spidey sense is worried that they will retire #31.   If they do that before retiring #17 that’s wrong.  (I almost used the word atrocity, but that should be saved for things like genocide, not a dopey uniform ceremony, but I digress).

The story is here.

Stop The Wave Petition (link) and Stop Getting Up At All While We’re At It

Mets Police support  The ‘Ropolitans Stop The Wave Petition.   The wave is done by people who started following the Mets in 1987, wear black John Franco jerseys and have never heard of Lee Mazzilli.

I will take it one step further.  Don’t get up at all.   Baseball should learn from hockey, and people should only be allowed to get up between innings (they enforce this in Philly).

If you sit within 5 seats of an aisle you miss half the game.   There’s nothing worse than being halfway up the upper deck at Shea with it’s continuous banister, carrying an $8 beer, and suddenly you have to “climb under” because the fat lady coming down ain’t gonna move.

Hopefully the super expensive Citi Field has breaks in the banister every 5 aisles or so.

New Ghost Free Yankee Stadium Opener April 16th (Mets April 14th)

The preliminary baseball schedule has the Yankees home opener (at Yankee Stadium III) scheduled for April 16th (a Thursday?).  The Yankees opponent has not been named, but the game will take place on the wrong side of 161st street, with still awful parking, in still a lousy neighborhood, and just minutes from where Babe Ruth played.

The Mets opener is scheduled for April 14th.    Maybe both teams open on the road in case their are construction delays?  Will both teams be home the first weekend?  The Mets open in Cincy, then Miami.

I’ll bet there are full price exhibition games (that I will get suckered into) before the season.

Someone tell Tom Seaver not to plant any vineyards that will need attending in early to mid April.