Reyes-gate the next day: I’m numb

I don’t believe the story.

I try to keep the language clean on the blog but if I didn’t the first two words would be “I’m calling…”

I asked my contractor when my kitchen would be finished. He told me 2 to 8 weeks. I just let that slide right?

I ordered some stuff on Amazon. It will be shipped in 2 to 8 weeks. I hit click and bought it.

The groundhog told me we have two to eight weeks until spring so I went out and planted my annuals.

Why does this story change every day? I personally know people with thyroid issues yet nobody can recall an MLB player in 125 years having this? You take beta blockers to control your heart rate, you get your thyroid eblated (sic?) and then take synthroid.

I don’t know what the real story is but I just don’t believe it’s “go home an watch movies for a few weeks” and then magically everything is ok.

Which brings me to today. I’m numb. I’m in 1979 mode. The Mets can no longer hurt me.

Nothing will surprise me. Trade Santana to the Reds? Wright retires? Omar gets a 10 year extension? The Mets move to Mercury? Bring it on.

I am free. No more pain.

I will root, I will hope, I may even buy a 15 game plan. If they win, awesome. If not, I won’t be surprised. I was fine with it when I was 7 and I’m fine with it now.

Jose has set me free. Thank you Mets.

Mets Yearbook 1966

I’m emptying out the DVR this week, catching up on Mets Yearbook (the fine SNY series where they dust off the old “rain delay” films).  As usual, I’ll type as I watch.

Here in the first few minutes ’66 is not grabbing me.   Murph is in full-blown propaganda mode.  They are playing “winning ball” (um Bob they won 66 games).

This film is more worn than the others SNY has shown.  It has the washed out color that some of your old 8mm films may have (if you were a kid in the 70’s you know what I mean), but I’m happy to see any old film at all.   The washed out color makes it look like Charlie Samuels dressed the team in black.

The Mets went to Greenland to visit troops?   Pretty interesting.

Real Mr. Met (with the paper mache head) just made an appearance with Mrs. Met.    What happened to her?  Did she die?  Are they divorced?  Why wouldn’t you bring her out on Mother’s Day or something.

Murph says there’s something called the “Lady Met Club” – I will have to do some research on that club…but it reminds me that the character was called Lady Met not Mrs. Met.  Maybe they had a fight and broke up.

One of the biggest days of all is “the famed Banner Day.”  Imagine that, Mets fans walking on the field with signs.   Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Camera Day!   That’s a good giveaway.

Why is Mr. Met wearing #56?   He’s walking Elsie the cow around on Borden’s Day.   They’d get killed if they did that now.

Helmet Day – another good giveaway that’s long gone.

Lindsey Nelson just said “yours truly and Bob Murphy” man the microphones.   What happened to Ralph?

“Don Grant” the chairman of the board.  “Don?”

Continue reading “Mets Yearbook 1966”

New York Mets St. Patrick’s Day attire Part 2

Some more St. Patrick’s Day Mets-wear. Today we look at caps.

I have my “original” green Mets cap from the first Irish night.  I can tell you first-hand that you won’t pick up any girls wearing it.  This green cap has a better shade than mine does.   I’ll have to take one of my crappy pictures for you.

I like this white one.   Like most green Mets caps I don’t know what you do with them after March, and we know from experience that white caps look horrible on the actual Mets – but this cap is attractive to me, especially if we can out it on a pretty chick.

Tomorrow, my crappy photos of green stuff I took at Modells.

Reyes out up to 8 weeks???!

I am presently speechless. Other sources will give you much better news recaps, but right now my brain has frozen. Rest up to 8 weeks? What?

Unfortunately looking forward to the apology from Amazin’ Avenue on Opening Day when the SS isn’t wearing #7. I still hope you guys turn out right, and I thought you had. Dang, this stinks.