I don’t believe the story.
I try to keep the language clean on the blog but if I didn’t the first two words would be “I’m calling…”
I asked my contractor when my kitchen would be finished. He told me 2 to 8 weeks. I just let that slide right?
I ordered some stuff on Amazon. It will be shipped in 2 to 8 weeks. I hit click and bought it.
The groundhog told me we have two to eight weeks until spring so I went out and planted my annuals.
Why does this story change every day? I personally know people with thyroid issues yet nobody can recall an MLB player in 125 years having this? You take beta blockers to control your heart rate, you get your thyroid eblated (sic?) and then take synthroid.
I don’t know what the real story is but I just don’t believe it’s “go home an watch movies for a few weeks” and then magically everything is ok.
Which brings me to today. I’m numb. I’m in 1979 mode. The Mets can no longer hurt me.
Nothing will surprise me. Trade Santana to the Reds? Wright retires? Omar gets a 10 year extension? The Mets move to Mercury? Bring it on.
I am free. No more pain.
I will root, I will hope, I may even buy a 15 game plan. If they win, awesome. If not, I won’t be surprised. I was fine with it when I was 7 and I’m fine with it now.
Jose has set me free. Thank you Mets.