Horrible looking New York Mets caps

I haven’t done alternate Mets caps in a while, but these are so so so bad I had to share. Don’t let Charlie Samuels find out about these!

Lest you think only the Mets are idiots, it’s all of baseball. I understand in some circles these are “fashion caps” but come on.

I also refuse to write any sort of “Valentine’s Day” post about former managers.

Mascot race at Mets games?

I see a bit of a discussion about a proposed Mascot race at Citi.

Some thoughts:

1.  Don’t do it, it’s lame.

2.  If it has gotten as far as MetsBlog mentioning it, that means it’s being discussed outside of Wilpon’s Bunker, and it’s being talked about more than just as a passing idea.

3.  These are the Wilpon Mets, the team that ignore’s it’s own tradition and borrows traditions from others.  Do you remember when the Mets stole the YMCA thing from the Yankees for about a week.  Yes they did, I saw it with my own eyes.

4.  Since all that adds up to yes it’s going to happen, perhaps we’ll see the return of Lady Met.  I’ll actually stop-hating on this idea if they dress someone in a Mettle the Mule costume (just embrace it) rather than some made up Poochie character (that’s a Simpsons reference).

5.  If the team is going for Bread and Circuses how about Banner Day and Old Timer’s Day.

Now I’m waking up!   Heading out for a well needed run, Mets Police Junior’s basketball game, and then some more bloggin’.

MetsBlog story

Real Dirty’s story

Gaudy looking player-worn Mets jersey

I’m kinda fried this morning, but have a few neat items to develop, just not yet.   As the coffee kicks in let’s ponder this jersey Santana is wearing (photo from MetsBlog.)

As regular readers know, I wish the Mets would wear traditional colors and get rid of the scourge that are black Mets uniforms.  However, I will not be a complete Nazi, and if on a spring training day they insist on wearing orange, green or even black letters on blue (like in the photo) I will deal with it.  I even thing the black NY on blue looks way better than the blue NY on a black cap.

I know the idea is to sell more merchandise (remember everyone, this is a business) but even if you wanted to buy one of these, wouldn’t you prefer it without the extra layers of visual noise?

However, why does MLB/Mets/Uniform Maker have to go the extra mile and add the ugly orange underarm?  What does that add?  What does the black stripe add other than it makes Santana look fat in this photo?

I need to find some time this weekend to watch the Olympics Ceremonies, today’s events, some Nascar races, and the three episodes of Mets Yearbook that I haven’t watched yet.   With Valentine’s Day in the middle.   Seems challenging.  Off to have some coffee.

If you’d like to join the free fan-meetup on Opening Day we’ll be happy to see you.

Jon Matlack’s kid’s music

Dan Matlack and I became Facebook friends after I mentioned Jon Matlack a while back, and Dan has started a Facebook Fan Page

Dan face’d:

So, most of these songs are just simple home recordings … I put them up because I’d like to do another album and I’d like opinions on the songs … the ones from American Push (you can see it in the info on the songs as to which ones) are old. The others are new…. SO … which ones do you guys like? Which ones should be on an album? Let me know!

If you’re on facebook check it out.

The Mets Police is (are?) on Facebook here, The Blue Cap Army is facebooking here and while we’re doing all this social media stuff….

Twitter: @metspolice

Google Buzz: this, I think

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