Playoffs Outsider: Yankee Panic at Defcon 2

You sportswriters can dust off those Girardi is an idiot articles…shoulda started could you trust this guy..blah blah….

Mr. Sunshine (the Yankees fan) has gone silent on emails since Tex was injured.

I have to go fall asleep on the couch now.  Good night Mets fans.   I have been blogging all night and have some good stiff tomorrow…you’re gonna love Van Wilpon at 11am.

Playoffs Outsider: AJ, Olbermann, the team of my ancestors and Junior

I hope A.J. Burnett throws an awesome game so all the Yankee Panic can stop for 16 hours.  It’s all so ridiculous.

Right now all the sportswriters are waiting to hit send on one of two stories:

Story #1:  Girardi is an idiot who should have gone with his ace.

Story #2:  Girardi is a genius who knows which buttons to press and boy did he manage AJ correctly!

(Of course there’s story #3 about the 12-11 victory in the 19th inning)

Keith Olbermann’s usually sane blog has this to say:

This fourth game has all the feelings of the end of another “up” cycle for New York, a night reminiscent of the end of the 2003 World Series or the ALCS the next year or – for the elderly – more like the end of the ’81 Series or some of the grim regular season finales later in that decade.

Keith can you calm the hell down…the Yankees haven’t won the World Series in what, 11 and a half months?   The end of an up cycle with CC, Teixeira and A-Rod each signed to 27 year contracts.   The Yankees will be fine Keith.

Junior is here on the couch with me and is overanalyzing Jeffrey Maier 2010…very cute.  (Sportswriters please dust your generic We Must Have Replay Now! articles…oh wait the Berkman “homer” just happened…do you like replay now Yankees fans?)

Meanwhile out west I am happy that the team of my ancestors the Formerly New York Giants won today.   If the series goes 7 I can make some serious Stubhub.

Mets and K Rod Reach a Settlement

By: Media Goon

I know this news is a few hours old already, but even at my job I can get busy with work.Remember that closer we had this year that did that thing that I dont want to rehash and broke his hand? Yeah thats right K Rod.

Well the Mets and K Rod had settled the grievance of his contract and the Mets wanting to void it. The Mets sent out a press release to explain what the terms are.

FLUSHING, N.Y., OCTOBER 19, 2010 – The New York Mets today announced that the grievance filed by Francisco Rodriguez has been resolved.  Rodriguez has instructed the Major League Baseball Players Association not to challenge the team’s decision to withhold his salary for the remainder of the 2010 season. In return, the Mets have agreed they will not seek to convert Rodriguez’s contract to a non-guaranteed contract, and will remove him from the Disqualified List.  Rodriguez will forego approximately $3.1 million of 2010 salary as a result of this agreement.

Jeff Wilpon also added:

“We are pleased that Frankie Rodriguez has accepted responsibility for his actions and their consequences.  We have been assured that he is taking steps to address the issues that led to the incident, and that those efforts will continue.  We have also been assured that he will work hard both on and off the field to regain the trust of the organization, Mets fans and the community.”

Mark Simon Compares A Couple of Texas Pitchers Too

Shannon sometimes doesn’t give himself enough credit about the posts he comes up with. For a fat(his words,not mine) blogger from his basement he is almost always ahead of the curve. He compares Cliff Lee to Mike Scott of the 1986 Houston Astros. You can read his post here.

Mark Simon, of ESPN New York, also makes the same comparison and a few others too.
You can read that here.

Impossible Poll: You’d bring Jeff Wilpon to Van Halen

In the last Mets Police impossible poll you were asked “You have an extra ticket to see Van Halen.  You bring…”

Your choices were Jeff Wilpon, Luis Castillo or Oliver Perez.

63% of you picked Jeff!

And with that, we can all hope that Randy from The Apple gets inspired and does something amazing on photoshop.

By the way, if you enjoy Randy’s work check out the guest post he did for The Sports Police.