Mets: you can’t call me, Al.

On Twitter, @anthonydicomo reports the Tigers have denied permission for the Mets to talk with Al Avila.

I was rooting for you Al.

Now baseball policy will force the Mets to really insult someone by making the Mets interview their second choice diversity candidate…..because the Randolph/Manuel/Minaya years somehow suggest the Mets factor skin tone into hiring.

Again, I hope the best person gets the job (no interest in Kim Ng?) but to do a charade to check off a box is insulting to all

Daydreaming about Jeff Wilpon’s relationship with Mets fans

Dan sent this idea in..

I’m sure you got (the letter from Jeff Wilpon) too, but it gave me an idea.

He says, “We will be in contact with you with more information and details soon.”

Wouldn’t it be a great PR move to announce the new hire in an e-mail like this to fans, before announcing that there will be a press conference “to make a major announcement”?    Of course, it seems like such a great idea, there’s no chance that it will happen.

I don’t think the Mets are quite there yet, plus the mainstream media would get all cranky pants on them, but yeah that would be neat.

Playoffs Outsider: Enjoying watching Yankees fans panic

I love Yankees fans.   They are so so so quick to panic.

Mets fans, we know that the worst will happen.  We know our heroes will be injured, or choke in the last game, or that if we ever successfully pull together a post-season team that fate will pull that team apart (sometimes as quickly as the next morning’s parade).

The next GM will be the wrong hire.  He’ll look good at first but when the Mets finish 4th in 2014 while the Yankees run off another division we’ll know The Wilpons blew it.

Oh these Yankees fans.  Some days Joe Girardi is a better manager than Joe Torre ever was, and then 24 hours go by and the Mike Lupicas of the world can’t wait to second guess not starting Pettitte in Game 2.  Sure Hughes had a great ALDS but now Joe is an idiot.

I’ll have to check in with my Yankees friend Mr. Sunshine to see how pyscho he is, but knowing him he’s throwing a ball against the wall and muttering the word “stupid” over and over.

So spoiled these Yankees fans.   Sunshine even has traditions.  It’s a birthright that he gets to watch baseball in October.   Losers like me and you, we get to see the Mets in the cold about once a decade.

Remember that last World Series – the one 10 years ago – the one we didn’t even get to enjoy to ourselves?  The one that was clinched at Shea Stadium?

I don’t know from postseason tradition.  My postseason tradition is falling asleep during games that I only half care about.

Junior showed up again for Game 2 of the ALCS and watched the entire thing with me on DVR-delay (we ain’t giving up a Saturday afternoon for this stuff.)   Baseball goes much better when you can zip through commercials, pitching changes, and the last three innings when it is obvious the Rangers are going to win.

The NLCS?  I don’t care.   It’s about as interesting to me as Colts-Redskins will be tonight.  No interest.

Sunshine probably has tickets for tomorrow night (he is a master of Yankees ticket lotteries and laughs at Stadium Insider’s inability to ever win the draw).  I expect he’ll be cranky for the next 24 hours or so and then go into pre-game mode around 11am which has something to do with drinking 40’s in a parking lot or something.   I don’t understand these Yankees fans and their October rituals.

The sky is falling.

Can Don Draper Save the Mets? « Faith and Fear in Flushing

Good morning Mets fans….well Faith and Fear has done it again.  I’m pretty sure I should close things down and just send Greg my serious ideas and Randy from The Apple my silly ideas.

You need to decide what kind of company you want to be. Comfortable and dead, or risky and possibly rich.

via Can Don Draper Save the Mets? « Faith and Fear in Flushing.

I haven’t even started the papers yet and I’m positive that will be the best read of the day.   As always with F&F a well written, well thought out length enjoyable piece.  Go read it now, my alternate caps will be here when you get back.

Playoffs Outsider: another generation slips away to the Yankees

Good morning Mets fans,

It’s a beautiful day out there, I suggest you put away the laptop and head outside like I am about to do.  I’m a little late off the draw this morning, I went for a wonderful run in the woods, then I dropped by Unnamed Donuts Chain (I still need my coffee) and am heading to several soccer games.  By the way Unnamed’s has an awesome new product for those of us with home brewers, but I can’t tell you about it since they don’t support my endeavors.

None of that is why you’re here….

Dear Mr. Jeff Wilpon,

Thanks for writing me last night to let me know how the GM search is going.   I see that you are taking the search very seriously, and for that I am grateful.  I’m excited to see that you’ve added Al Alvia to the list of candidates, as yo are bringing in only candidates who you think can run the organization, I can see the assistant GM of the Tigers being the right man to bring change to Flushing, and will be rooting for Mr. Alvia.  I know some of the other bloggers think you’re just bringing in someone to fill some MLB interview quota and then you’ll hire Sandy, but I believe Mr. Alvia is getting a fair shake.

Last night, without me asking, Junior joined me on the couch to watch the Yankees.  He knows all about the Yankees thanks to his friends at school who let him know C.C was pitching.  His Topps Attax cards have also let him know that C.C. is quite good, as is “Peet-it” and “John Damon” and “Javy Er Vas Qwess.”

I assume it is nearly impossible to find anyone under 15 who is a Mets fan.   This will be problematic for you in about 10 years.  It seems that winning has something to do with who 7 year olds root for.

Anyway, I was amazed that he actually wanted to watch the game.  As Daddy bobbed and weaved and napped in the chair, Junior hung in there all the way until at least 10.   At some point I opened my eyes and he was gone and the Yankees had made it 5-2, then 5-5, then it was 6-5 and then we were going to the 9th and then it was 12:35 and the postgame was on.  I’m not very good at staying up late.

So Jeff, I’m glad you are taking this seriously and hope you get it right.  I’d hate to think that in 10 years you found that there are no Mets fans left…which could force you to move the team to Mercury or San Francisco or something.   Junior and I had a conversation about the Giants too.  He finds it fascinating that a team left New York.   It can happen.

I have to go to soccer now.  We’re taping the Yankees game so we can watch tonight when we get home.   Tell Mr. Alvia I am rooting for him…oh and don’t forget to interview Lee Mazzilli.  He could be the one for manager.

Enjoy your Saturday!


Playoffs Outsider thinks TBS is doing a good job.  They aren;t killing us with Conan promos like they did with Caliendo, and they actually show the game as opposed to fans.  Just lose the dumb pitch box thing and we’ll be fine, and next yeat get a baseball guy instead of Ernie.

I saw a Yankees fan with a Cano 24 jersey at Unnamed’s.   Yankee fans with names on the back look like idiots.  Wrong font too.  You look like a phony.  Get a real jersey.  We know who #24 is.