‘Man Up and Play Better’ signage revealed

Good morning Mets fans,

Thanks to Randy from The Apple for hooking me up with this signage.

I think the Mets 2011 slogan should be “Man Up and Play Better” the infamous phrase said by K-Rod’s father-in-law* (or whatever that relationship is).

The “Play Better” goes without saying.   If the Mets play better they will win more games.

As for “Man Up” let’s go to the Urban Dictionary:

  • Take control, take control of a (the) situation, be strong, rise to the moment

Now let’s combine the two….Play Better, Take Control and Rise to the Moment.

Seems like a great slogan for Wallyball in 2011, plus it looks great on a stadium.

Playoffs Outsider: Twins Uniforms and Obstructed Views

Playoffs Outsider is enjoying the 6pm start.   I got to the game in the 5th and am now enjoying a tie game.  I’d rather see the end of a playoff game than the first four innings like I did last night.

As several of us tweeted (@metspolice), the Twins pinstriped uniforms look pretty snazzy.

How do Twins fans know who their players on with no names on the back?  Do the Twins have some other way of communicating to fans who is batting or playing left field?    If so, I hope the Mets can capture this technology so they can go back to the no names look.

Tweeters are raving about the Twins new stadium (do corporate sponsorships actually provide return on value?  I have no increased desire to visit a certain chainstore.)    The raves made me wonder if Twins Field is plagues by some of the problems certain other stadiums have, so I googled “twins obstructed views” and look what I found from the Dave Howard of the Twin Cities:

A page on the Twins website (www.twinsbaseball.com) explains which seats have restricted views of the field or the giant video board.

“We’re not going to sell a ticket without someone knowing exactly what they’re getting,” Smith said. “We hope everyone does their due diligence in some of these areas so they aren’t disappointed. And with everything there will be to see at Target Field, they won’t be.”

The Mets and Yankees both drew negative publicity last year when their respective ballparks opened with pockets of obstructed-view seats.

Finally, speaking of uniforms – thanks to Uni Watch for the shoutout today. As I have stated before, I am a big fan of Uni Watch and read it every day, and Paul was on the no-black kick before I ever bought a computer….but I don’t think there’s any harm in also trying to stop black over here.  Similarly, “You own this…” is derivative of Straight Cash Homey…which you’ll see in this post of a Jay Payton jersey. However the Beach Boys are 50’s harmonies mixed with surfing, Oprah is Phil Donahue, Lady Gaga is Madonna and Voltron was Battle of the Planets.   Doesn’t make any of them bad.

The free tickets from the Mets were good

An email.  I’m always happy to share nice stories like this.  I too was offered tickets since I had a plan, I didn’t get a chance to use them…Media Goon used his and was happy.

Dear Shannon,

Not sure I got so much here, but since you don’t have much this time of year I decided to send this over.

So, my mother being that she is a season ticket holder got two free tickets to the final game on Sunday. To be perfectly honest with you, I wasn’t expecting these tickets to be very good, and thought they might even be in the Promenade. I couldn’t be more wrong.

The tickets were in the field, section 128, down the left field line. While the seats itself were maybe not the best of angles, being it was the last game, and not many people were there(although I was impressed with how many people actually showed up), I moved down pretty quickly to about the third row, and eventually made it all the way down to the first row. Furthermore, the ushers didn’t even care, the ushers weren’t even checking tickets!

They let people sit wherever they wanted to(oddly enough people were still sitting in the top row in the promenade even in the bottom of the 14th!), and gave fans the opportunity to sit where they wanted to. Didn’t check behind home plate, and I doubt they were letting people in freely there.

As a side note, I was very impressed with the Press Conference on Monday. I was happy to see Fred Wilpon make an appearance, showed to me how serious he is taking the situation. I was also very impressed that he apologized for what he said earlier in the season regarding “the sun coming up tomorrow”. Personally, I get the impression that the Mets are trying hard to patch up their PR problems, and no longer want to be known for having bad PR problems.

Thanks for your time, keep up the good work,
Mo Miller


New alternate Mets caps for 2010 #21

I haven’t done this in quite a while, but it’s time for another round of Alternate Caps.  Long time readers know I will likely hate most of them.

Leading off, here’s the “DH” hat.

Well, it is blue and orange.

The problem is that extra orange in the back.  Why?   Why would you buy this??

Jerry Manuel: best of the worst Mets managers?

I was thinking about the Mets managers in my conscious lifetime and which I like(d) and which I don’t.

Is Jerry Manuel the Best of the Worst?

Here’s my criteria:  if the manager made the playoffs he’s off the list.

For me that leaves:

Joe Torre:  this little boy couldn’t understand how a team loaded with the ERA leader (I had the Topps card.  Swan was as good as Guidry it told me) and Lee Mazzilli coudlnt’ win.   Must be the manager.

George Bamberger:  quit because he couldn’t take the losing.  Who quits?

Frank Howard:  I barely remember him, it was so short.

Bud Harrelson:   Buddy’s second year was worse than Willie at his worst.  Buddy got boooooooooed and wouldn’t make pitching changes.  Can’t pick Buddy.

Interim Manager Mike Cubbage:  3 and 4.  Never liked Mike Cubbage.

Jeff Torborg?

Dallas Green?

Art Howe?

Nope, the answer has to be Jerry Manuel out of this group.   One choke (those 30+ blown saves with no closer (cough, Omar) didn’t help) and two no-chances.

If you old guys wanna stick up for Roy McMillan or Wes Westrum let me know.  (You can’t pick Casey, that’s just boring.)

Speaking of managers, Willie Randolph has a .544 career winning percentage and won a division title.  Bobby Valentine is .510 in his career, .534 with the Mets and has never ever finished first in the major leagues in 15 tries.

If you’re looking for entertainment to sell tickets, we did the Groucho glasses already, let’s watch Wally scream at umpires instead.