An email. I’m always happy to share nice stories like this. I too was offered tickets since I had a plan, I didn’t get a chance to use them…Media Goon used his and was happy.
Dear Shannon,
Not sure I got so much here, but since you don’t have much this time of year I decided to send this over.
So, my mother being that she is a season ticket holder got two free tickets to the final game on Sunday. To be perfectly honest with you, I wasn’t expecting these tickets to be very good, and thought they might even be in the Promenade. I couldn’t be more wrong.
The tickets were in the field, section 128, down the left field line. While the seats itself were maybe not the best of angles, being it was the last game, and not many people were there(although I was impressed with how many people actually showed up), I moved down pretty quickly to about the third row, and eventually made it all the way down to the first row. Furthermore, the ushers didn’t even care, the ushers weren’t even checking tickets!
They let people sit wherever they wanted to(oddly enough people were still sitting in the top row in the promenade even in the bottom of the 14th!), and gave fans the opportunity to sit where they wanted to. Didn’t check behind home plate, and I doubt they were letting people in freely there.
As a side note, I was very impressed with the Press Conference on Monday. I was happy to see Fred Wilpon make an appearance, showed to me how serious he is taking the situation. I was also very impressed that he apologized for what he said earlier in the season regarding “the sun coming up tomorrow”. Personally, I get the impression that the Mets are trying hard to patch up their PR problems, and no longer want to be known for having bad PR problems.
Thanks for your time, keep up the good work,
Mo Miller