Your ideas for Mets ticket plans

Some good stuff in the comments yesterday.


Don’t forget my “Whatever Works for You Plan” that I proposed earlier in the year.

You get the choice of Opening day or a Yankee game, and then a set number of games of your choosing. For arguments sake we will make it 10. Every game is eligable to be a plan game, not the games the Mets designate. If you’re on a budget and you want to buy all bronze games, go ahead.

If you want to fight a Phillie fan invading Citi Field 9 times a year, snatch those tickets up, and pay the gold level price for them. You want to only go to games on Saturdays? Then go to Saturday games.

So what I am saying is: no set plan, no set price. If you want Opening day or a Yankee game, then you’re buying 10 games, but 10 games that work for you. If they sell those out, that’s 1.6 million tickets sold, and people will feel good because they didn’t get strong armed into games they didn’t want.

JP Says:

-Make the biggest reduction in prices in the mid-range seats: the field & club level seats are only bought by those who can pay top dollar anyway. The Wilpons should try to provide more reasonably priced tickets for the average fans

-More day games! Stop with 7:00 pm Saturday night games — make all Saturday/Sunday games 1:00 pm starts so people can take their kids

-Add more weekday afternoon games. I’m sure the Beancounters tell them night games are more profitable, but have the Mets noticed that the 1 or 2 midweek afternoon games they have draw huge crowds. Hello? Baseball fans love day games — go ask the Cubs.

Metsadhd says:

Love guaranteed win Tuesdays.

Also love having an all your can eat section, other teams do this.

Should have vouchers for discounts if you bring clothing and canned goods for charity.

Certain nights should have dollar dogs and three dollar suds.

Best though is bring your mutt to the park.

They at least know the proper response to the Wilpons:

Lift their legs and/or squat.

John asks: Hey Shannon how about something for us full season plan suckers?

Good question.   You tell us?  What would be a nice gesture from the Mets, other than price cuts.

Keep the ideas coming gang.   Mets Police gets read in Flushing, you never know who is reading and will like one of our ideas.

I’m telling you, Guaranteed Win Tuesday is a winner.

It depends on how you define obstructed

Good morning Mets fans,

Newer readers may not be aware how much time I have spent railing about obstructed views at Citi Field.   If you’re less familiar with the issue read this or this which has lots of links to obstructed views.

The fake 2011 marketing campaign comes from The Apple (aka Blog of the Year). The phrase is either a direct quote or at least inspired by the words of David Howard.  I’m too sleepy this morning to get all worked up about it, read the old posts.

Anyway, Randy at The Apple has a nice list of possible 2011 slogans which you should check out.

Randy – hook a fellow up and make me a “Man Up and Play Better” please.   That should be the slogan, and it will fit well with Wallyball.

Has anyone actually coined Wallyball yet?  I bet they have.  I like it.

Anyway, back to Randy – I need to buy him out and get his content over here.  It’s too good.  I’m not saying my site is better, I’m actually saying the opposite.  I like his site better.  Better content.  I want it.

I need a guy who knows photoshop and flash animation.  If I could get Media Goon to make some cartoons we’d really be talking.

I keep trying to get Fake Jeff Wilpon to make more videos but he won’t do it.   Come on Fake Jeff.

I’ll be saying “it depends on how you define obstructed” all day now. Thanks Randy.

Playoffs Outsider: No, I didn’t want to see the no-hitter honey

Playoffs Outsider is written by a Mets fan with issues.  Another October with no team to watch, I turn to the Yankees in despair despite teasing Mr. Sunshine (my Yankees friend) all day about Wild Cards and 4 seeds.    At least the Yankees are from New York, and at least I am familiar with the players.   Playoffs Outsider is financially motivated to root for the Phillies (Stubhub).   All these things I do are wrong.    Playoffs Outsider is also called by the ghosts of his ancestors to root for the Formerly New York Giants.

So there I am.   Another day at the real job put to bed.  A day where I had to do work-work and not feed my twitter heroin addiction. Good thing I had loaded up the blog with posts.   I catch on that Halladay has a no-hitter and even on the radio I can tell he has great stuff.

I’m driving home and figure I’ll catch the last three innings.


Cell-phone.  Mrs. Mets Police.  Her car won’t start.  I have to go meet her and jump the car.  Awesome.

Nope, I had no interest in seeing the first playoff no-hitter in my lifetime.  Why would I want to see that.  At least I got to hear it.

Now I’m home and fried.  I just want to watch some baseball and we have this dumb 8:37 start.  When will the TV executives catch on that I’d rather see the end of a game than the beginning.   7pm starts all summer long, and I rarely see first pitch.   I usually see the end.   (Well except for all the games in August and September).  If Monday Night Football started at 5:30 I’d love it.   Maybe I should move to SF and rejoin the Formerly New Yorks.   I could cut the middle and wear an old black NY Giants cap.

I haven’t watched a pitch yet and I’m already sick of Conan mentions.  I don’t know if there have been any but I’m so sick of Frank Caliendo mentions from whenever that was that my brain is trained to hate.  I actually like Conan.

Oh, and dinner.  There was none.  My old backup of Lucky Charms?  None.  (Anyone can blog, being a fat blogger takes effort like this).  Double backup Frosted Flakes?  Junior finished them.   So Raisin Bran and a cranky blog post for dinner.

Playoffs Outsider is leaving now…off to blog about the Mets and use the picture in picture to watch Yankees and maybe Hawaii 5-0…fall asleep in the 4th inning and wake up tomorrow to see how C.C. did.

UPDATE 8:39pm:  I know I just said I don’t care about first pitch but I just missed first pitch.  Why?  She’s lost.   The directions I gave her are bad.   By “me” I mean Google.

UPDATE 10:12.   I made it until the bottom of the 5th.  Sleepy.  Not a Yankees fan.  Don’t care. Mmmmm sleep.  Good night Mets fans.  I have a good rant loaded for the morning, see ya then!