Let’s fix the Mets brand: #2 Put the Mets museum back


You’ve done a pretty decent job tapping into Mets history.  Some might say you’ve even over done it (Hall of Famer Al Leiter???  Straw and Doc in the same year??)).

However, some moves you make no sense in light of the above efforts.

Why did you get rid of the museum?  The museum was one of the gems of Citi Field, and you got rid of it to what, sell some fanatics crap?

This fix is super easy Steve.  You fall on your sword and say “we’ve heard from the fans…” and you but the museum back.  Then you wow people by announcing the museum will be bigger and better.   Take a look at what Barcelona has.

I mean Steve, come on man.  This isn’t hard.  Send someone over to Barcelona with a camera and build an awesome Mets Museum and Hall of Fame BACK WHERE IT WAS.

And Steve – here’s a big one you and the crack marketing team forgot.  EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP.  Duh.  Come on bro. You blew this one.  Fire whoever made the call to get rid of the museum.  Admit you blew it and fix it.

Mets Pete Alonso fails spectacularly in Home Run Derby

Pete Alonso wondering who could have possibly gotten Chili Davis fired.

The Home Run Derby, the one thing Pete Alonso is good at, was a disaster.

Pete, who hit just 12 more HRs than I did, said “I just didn’t think I squared up enough baseballs at the right launch angle.  It’s disappointing, but for me, it’s a blessing and it’s just so fun being out here.”

Pete has been known to homer every 6 days or so, I guess Monday wasn’t day six.

Pete Alonso currently is 57th in baseball with a .772 OPS, but millennials stopped looking at OPS once Gary ran Daniel Murphy out of town, plus Pete talks to the media so nobody is going to question whether a baseball team should be built around this guy and Mr. Smile





Let’s fix the Mets brand: #1 – Market Nimmo


You may have noticed you had 24,000 in the park (paid) on Sunday.  You may also have noticed that your Big Market Team is 17th in overall attendance, trailing the Rockies.   It was nice out. The team is playing well. Something is broken.

I am here to help, and this week I am going to give you free advice.

First up – clearly marketing Lindor isn’t working. People can tell me it’s working and I will show them that the Rockies are outdrawing the Mets.

Steve, Mr. Smile told your fans (aka customers) to buzz off  it was unforgivable.   I understand some fans will forgive anyone for anything  as long as the player hits, and will turn on the player as soon  as they don’t.

What would you do if one of your traders was rude to say Jamie Dimon.  Even one of your better traders.  If he was a jerk hole to a major investor would you be like “oh that’s ok” or would you get his ass out of there.   And you do have the financial means to flip Lindor for players and eat some catch, although I do understand why you won’t.

Fortunately you have a player in house, under team control, that you could market,   He’s likeable. He’s  good at baseball.

My first tip for you is to instruct the marketing team to take all that effort you guys throw behind Mr. Smile and pivot to Nimmo.

You have bet on the wrong horse and you’re not only not bringing in any casuals, you’re losing the core fans, like I warned you last August.   A smart man like you knows it’s more expensive to gain a new customer than to keep one.

So let’s start hereL  Market Nimmo.   Not the guy that hates the fans.   Not Vulgar Pete who can’t control himself to just say Let’s Go Mets.  The move is  Nimmo.

More free advice tomorrow.



Mets Teddy Bear

So I was holding off on posting to see what the Mets news of the day was, but given the Actual News today, let me just post this bear.  Scary times.