Why are the Mets planning to horse around at Fanatics Fest during a Wild Card Chase>

Pete Alonso wondering who could have possibly gotten Chili Davis fired.

So Jeff McNeil and Pete Alonso are announced guests at Fanatics Fest which is August 16-18 at Javits.

It’s unclear when they are appearing for autographs (which are presumably, you know, live autographs) but what is clear is the Mets schedule.

Are the goofing around on Friday afternoon?  Saturday morning?  Saturday night before a noon start?

Shouldn’t they be focused on this exciting chase for the 3rd Wild Card?




Waste $112 on this Mets “inflatable mascot”

Hey check out what I guess is Legally Distinct Inflatable Mascot not to be confused with any other mascot you might think exists.

I wonder what THAT is about.  Maybe the Mets own the TM to You Know Who.  Or maybe the original designer gets a cut?  Or maybe Fanatics is involved and they’ve never heard of You Know Who.

Anyway, this is a complete waste of $ which is why @mediagoon only has two.

“Almost Gone” kinda like the Mets run at the third wild card.