MSM admits Pete Alonso not so good this year!

From Newsday

Regarding Alonso being the best version of himself: He hasn’t been quite as productive as usual. Entering play Wednesday, his average was up to .243, much better than the .217 mark from last year. But his .790 OPS was the lowest of his career. The on-pace-for numbers: 34 homers and 90 RBIs.

“I feel like I’ve been myself,” said Alonso, who has been better lately. “I’m doing a good job of trying to win baseball games and putting my efforts toward that. Performing and not performing, there’s ebbs and flows to the season. Over the course of the year, everything will even out and be where it’s supposed to be.”

While Pete did homer last night, his brand of baseball continues to lead the Mets to 4th place.  You and your wild card talk can stick a sock in it.  It’s 4th place baseball.

RIP Willie Mays

I feel like I should write something about Willie Mays.  Willie’s time with the Mets was before I started watching, so I don’t have a personal connection other than understanding how great he was.

Sidebar- how do you not look at the uniform below and see that it should not be messed with Steve.

Willie Mays Mets

Now look at this

Or This

What are we even doing Steve?  I digress.

Going through my archives, I had pulled these images from a Schafer Ad I stumbled across at some point.  Love the blank uniform.

When I was a young man I was obsessed with the random assignment  of #24 to Kelvin Torve.

It was annoying to see 24 sort of retired, but available when Ricky Henderson and Robinson Cano came along, so good job Steve on cleaning up that mess.

Anyway, much smarter things about Willie will be written today, I encourage you to read those as we all say farewell to the great WIllie Mays.



Silver Fox Mets Cap

To all you fathers out there, Happy Birthday!

Anyway, here’s an orange cap that’s ok. I like the shade but would rather a nice blue NY than a ball logo.