Mets owner Steve Cohen makes it clear he likes Lindor who was clear what he thought of fans

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

This is the owner.


And this is who he likes.

So if Steve is OK with the employees telling us to buzz off, I will buzz off until Steve changes the employees.  This isn’t 1978, I have plenty of other things to do with my time and money.

In other news, isn’t it odd that nobody seems too upset that Diaz is going to be suspended for something he’s totally not guilty of.  The player and the manager are both like “Gee golly, well the umpires said what they said, oh well.”  Not to mention he’s not the first Met.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Mets 2024 All Star Game Cap and Workout Cap

These are the ASG caps.  Whatever. They are ugly.



This is the Workout cap. A tad better but not much.  These remind me of the kind of ap you’ get as a kid circa 1980.

Now if the Astros like their rainbow stuff so much, why isn’t that their jersey.  I do like their current look, especially their roads, which are nice and clean.

MLB gets everything wrong, ignoring that most every fan wants to see the players in their normal uniforms….at this point even @mediagoon isn’t paying $400 for a Fanatics jersey (my City Connect feels soooooo cheap, like I bought it at a shop that says SOUVENIRS across the street from Citi Field.

2024 Workout Cap ASG