Blue Cap Army Unite



Hey guys, since the Mets are giving away blue caps on Saturday night, why not go to the game to show that you want to support the blue cap army. Yes,we all know Shannon is a capitalist and so am I. It would be nice if I could get a few bucks in my pocket for all the work I do behind the scenes for this guy.
Want to go to the the game Saturday night and looking for a good deal? Use Mets Police tickets. Damn I feel like Don West right now. Support the Mets and the Blue Cap Army!

Click the image above to get to the ticket page

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Gooden, Strawberry and Mazzilli coming to Old Timers’ Day!

Hey good news!

Dwight Gooden, Darryl Strawberry and Lee Mazzilli will all be at Old Timers’ Day on June 26th!

Bad news!

It’s in the Bronx!

Why market your own history when you can let Hal steal it?

Mr. Einhorn, I’m making sad eyes at you. I know you’re one of us. You can do this.

It’s apparently easy to get those three to a game. Darling, Hernandez, Ojeda and Mookie are all employees. We’ve done almost no work and there’s 7 great names already coming.

Come on Dave – you and I both want to see Kong, excuse me “Sky King” (rolls eyes) out there.

Mr. Kingman was often called Kong. He didn’t like the nickname and preferred “Sky King”. Nobody called him that. Nobody.