Great Joel Sherman read

Good stuff from Joel Sherman in the NYP

It is stunning, even after all this time, how imperfect they can be in getting out messages, framing the story of the day.

It has gotten to the point where I routinely ask Mets officials if this is the best idea for what they want to offer the public, how dumb must the second-best idea have been.


He finally is showing the fans his true passion and, in doing so, he is telling the fans: You are right to hate my team. You are right to stay away in droves. You are right to believe that this organization has been incompetently run to the point where our best players are this flawed.


via Mets’ Wilpon picks worst time to put foot in mouth, again.

Mets statement about Coffee the dog

A leftover from yesterday (sometimes I need to not blog and do things like talk to my family).  Not to distract from FredGate but Gothamist says…

The Mets have released a statement regarding Coffee, saying, “We have addressed the matter with the NYPD and the Parks Department. As the Mets plaza is an open public space on parkland, the Mets cannot control access.”

via New Photo Shows Coffee The Baseball Dog Doesn’t Have Teeth: Gothamist.

My thoughts about the Wilpon article

Fred said things that you or I might say.

The problem is that when you or I say them there is little fall-out.  I won’t have reporters asking me what I meant.   The players won’t have to react to something said on Mets Police.

What happens when Sandy meets with an opposing GM and has to play a weak hand because the GM knows that the Mets are unlikely to pay Reyes?  It will be very easy to say to Sandy that they can just sign Jose in December.

Hey David Wright, face of the franchise…you’re no superstar.

How is David supposed to react to that when the reporters stalk him?

When David’s turn to be a free agent comes does he stand with Fred and listen to the speech about what he means to the franchise…or should David set up shop elsewhere?  Google “Dick Young Tom Seaver” to see how that plays out.

How do you convince a free agent player to come to Flushing?  Ownership will have your back?

Does Jose’s agent ask Fred to move him now?  Does David’s??

As for the rest of you Mets…the owner thinks you are a “shitty team.” Somewhere in that there must be some frustration with either Omar or Sandy, no?

Again – none of this is anything fans don’t say to other fans.  When Fred says it, it comes with a week of circus.

This is yet another completely unnecessary drama.

Today should be about “why is David Wright in LA” or complaining about the Subway Series (remember the series against the Yankees?  Seems like weeks ago now).

I can’t wait to see the spin, and the individual player reactions.

Oh, and when it calms down we’re gonna discuss the Dodgers thing at length…just not today.

Your thoughts?