Another day, another 1986 Mets player in trouble

If you’re on the internet you’ll come across today’s Former Mets Player In Hot Water Story, this time involving a former relief pitcher.

As I mentioned the other day, I really don’t want to dwell of this sort of thing (such as the 1986 outfielder’s various headlines.)

I do hope that this story encourages baseball to discuss homophobia in the game.

I’m going to guess that statistically there has been at least one gay major league baseball player, and there is likely one now. Baseball was once at the front of societal change – let’s see how this one plays out.


How many of the 1986 Mets have gone untouched by unfortunate news headlines?

Do we only notice it because of the particular team? Is it because guys like me call them “86 Mets” as opposed to the equally accurate “87 Mets?”. Would we notice if lots of the 1993 Brewers were in the papers?

I will be late to twitter tonight. Another Little League game to coach. I’m @MetsPolice

Oh and everyone wish @mediagoon a happy birthday.

Tom Seaver Magazine Covers From 1985

MetsPolice People Magazine Seaver cover

Spring cleaning can be a chore, but when you discover old Mets related items it can be fun.

Among the rediscovered items were these two magazines from the summer of 1985 (right around when Seaver won his 300th game ).

The first is frMetsPolice Inside Sports Seaver Koosman Ryan coverom Inside Sports (anyone remember it?).  A seven-page article (people actually read long articles back then) discusses the long careers of Seaver, Koosman, and Ryan.  It still hurts when I read “Seaver is the heart of the White Sox.”








MetsPolice People Magazine Seaver coverThe second cover is – this is a surprise – People!  Published the week after his 300th, this is a 2-page article (starting on page 41 of course).  Shannon should particularly like this issue as it also features The Boss.