Sandy Alderson answers my Mets question correctly

Good morning Mets fans,

You may have missed this since it went out Friday night, but Sandy Alderson responded to some of the questions from fans submitted over twitter.

Yes I was pysched to see my question answered (and the second question is from fellow Mets Policeman Dan) but I’m more excited about the answer.

I wanted to know if winning the NL but not the World Series would be considered a successful year.

“…it would be foolish not to acknowledge that there had been something accomplished, but ultimately that’s not the goal, and from personal experience, nobody’s happy going home number 2″

Now we’re talking.   Sandy and I are on the same page.

Of course winning the NL would be neat, but it wouldn’t be enough.  73 is a nice story but 1986 is better.  For me, a decade later, 2000 happened but I rarely think about it.

I like that Sandy’s eye is on winning it all.

Some folks have asked if I think that the Mets went out of their way to pick me because I blog.  I do not.  I think the questions were selected to communicate to fans, and both Dan and I asked questions that were more than “so when are you running Castillo out of town.”

I do think it’s cool that the Mets are increasingly engaging the fans outside the mainstream media.  Those guys do a great great job, but it’s also neat to get a note from the COO or to have the GM take questions from fans.  That to me is much more interesting than a Mike Francesa interview.

On Mets Blog, Michael Baron identified what Sandy said he envisioned for the franchise:

  • To be a perennial winner.
  • To be an “Iconic Franchise” and to be mentioned in the same breath as the Yankees, Phillies, and Red Sox as among the greatest in the sport, and in all sports around the world.
  • Respected for WHAT and HOW.
  • Fan Pride.

Wow.   That’s kinda what I have been preaching here these past three sesaons.  I love the HOW part.  Fan Pride!  Imagine that!’

It wasn’t so long ago that the Phillies were a joke and the Red Sox a bunch of losers known for losing.   Images can change…and of course winning helps speed that process.

I was happy with Sandy’s answer.   Were you?


I would embed the video but MLB policy suggests the Mets would go out of business if they allowed fans to embed videos what were emailed out.

Cool Formerly New York Giants pennant

So the weirdest thing happened last night. Both a 40-something year old fat guy and his young son watched every single pitch of a World Series game. I think the last time that happened I was the boy and it was 1986.

The early start was great…man it would be awesome if that happened more often and/or on a weeknight….or dare I say it, a day game!

Mets will have 15 game plans in 2011

I popped over to and I see I can make a non-refundable $100 deposit on a 40 game or a 15 game plan….

Maybe I stink at the internet but to my eye no specific dates are mentioned.

I selected 2 tickets. The only price tier offered is “best available.”

This seems bizarre to me. In theory I could be donating $100 to get Super Deluxe Premium $5000 Seats for the Tuesday Nights Against The Pirates plan. Why would anyone do this?

Also, please note that there are only 13 Saturday home games on the 2011 schedule….more on that tomorrow.

Is ‘Tom Seaver’ an acceptable Halloween costume?

Mrs. Mets Police thinks we are going as Smurfs…she has blue face paint.  Of course we don’t have white hats or white pants or anything….and I am supposed to wear red sweat pants which somehow makes me Papa Smurf……

I suspect people will think we are some sort of awful attempt at Avatar.

I’m thinking of aborting and going as 1983 Tom Seaver.   A Mets pullover jersey with Seaver 41, a blue cap with blue button, maybe my new Mets jacket…is that a costume?  Or is it what I wear on Saturday anyway?

Maybe I’ll carry around some wine and go as Old Timer’s Day Tom Seaver…oh wait there’s no such thing.

What are you guys going as?

Selig’s office paid for Bill Shannon’s funeral

Bob Raissman named Bud Selig as his dude of the week….

For paying for the funeral and burial of Bill Shannon, the veteran official scorer who died Tuesday in a fire in his West Caldwell, N.J. home

via NBC’s ‘Football Night In America’ talking heads offer a rare fresh take on the NFL.

God job by Bud and good job by Bob on having the story…maybe I stink at the internet but I haven’t seen that story anywhere else.