Jerky Shea Stadium Ushers

Way back in time I used to work at Shea Stadium, and the ushers were jerks.   Our job required us to get there early, so we’d sit in the stands while waiting for them to open.  The ushers would kick us out, an hour before the gates even opened.
Then they spent the first two innings knocking us over so they could make a quarter tip, and maybe an extra $10 with their secret seat upgrade program.
Then for the next 7 innings they couldn’t be bothered to move out of the way and let us do our jobs.
This hostility comes back to me today after getting an email from a friend who writes:
While attending last night’s Met game, no more than 5 mins after the last pitch the ushers were pushing us out the ramps.  Unbelieveable, lots of people trying to take their last pictures, trying to get the whole Shea/citifield backdrop shot that you won’t see again.  One guy yelled like 3 feet from me and I just said “OK dude, I can hear you.”. I snapped my last pic and left.

Meanwhile…across town on the final day they opened the field for people, let people stay until the wee hours of the night and really celebrated the entire last week.  Even the whole week people were telling me that the Yanks were so gracious, ushers taking pictures, etc.  The Mets ushers meanwhile were busy chasing people out of the cheap seats.

>Seaver's Shea

>I held this back because i figured it would get dwarfed by the Yankee Stadium coverage…but here’s an article about Seaver’s Shea.

Many of you kids may not know that the famous California wine-maker was once a pretty decent pitcher, and sometimes would come to New York for things like All Star Games, earning him the nickname The Former Franchise.

>Cool Stuff You Didn't Know About Shea Stadium

>I did not know this:

The air conditioner in the visitor’s clubhouse is actually from the old Polo Grounds(from the old press room there). “It’s one of the first things I found out when I got here,” Cox said. It is also common knowledge around the stadium that when turned on full blast, it is almost cold enough to store raw meat.

Full article here.

Seaver’s Shea

I held this back because i figured it would get dwarfed by the Yankee Stadium coverage…but here’s an article about Seaver’s Shea.

Many of you kids may not know that the famous California wine-maker was once a pretty decent pitcher, and sometimes would come to New York for things like All Star Games, earning him the nickname The Former Franchise.

Cool Stuff You Didn’t Know About Shea Stadium

I did not know this:

The air conditioner in the visitor’s clubhouse is actually from the old Polo Grounds(from the old press room there). “It’s one of the first things I found out when I got here,” Cox said. It is also common knowledge around the stadium that when turned on full blast, it is almost cold enough to store raw meat.

Full article here.