Indy 500 and Coca Cola 600

A quick opportunistic post that accomplishes three things.

1. I get to display the picture on the left which is
just a great picture.

2. Cheap hits from people searching for race car information.

3. Good luck to Travis Kvapil in the 28 car in the Coca-Cola 600 today. After watching John Maine shut down the Rockies today – perhaps buying Willie more time, plus or minus machete cracks – switch on over to Fox HD, crank up the sound, and give the sport a chance.

NASCAR is kind of like hockey in that you have to see it live to truly appreciate it – they are in Delaware next weekend and Poconos the weekend after for you Mets fans – but it’s really a cool sport with lots of strategy. Danica Patrick races Indy Car which is something else entirely, but it’s a good picture.


Machete? Really?

For those of you who read this blog before the papers – well read the papers first – Willie joked that Omar is in Denver sharpening his machete. Machete?

Random Thoughts before I waste a sunny day blogging:

The black hats with the blue bill look horrible on TV. You can’t even see the NY logo. Please ban these forever.

Gary Carter is backtracking on his comments. Sorry Gary, you talked yourself out of the running.

Good line by Mushnick today that none of the Art Howe camera shots were racially motivated. Of course that was Sportschannel/FSNY, maybe they were more open minded.

Starting to see “mainstream media” write the “It’s Omar’s fault too” columns. They like to rip the bloggers but they tend to be 4 days behind the bloggers on everything.

The Times has Reggie Jackson saying, “It can play on our mind. We are going to think about it (race) in times of difficulty, whether you feel sorry for yourself, or whether you just acknowledge it.”

Adding that “it’s fair to think about it,” Jackson also said a man in Randolph’s position must be “sensitive how you express it” toward people you are “trying to meld with and create a better environment for all.”

Tomorrow: How the Mets can eliminate the curse on them.

Tuesday’s discussion (plus or minus the manager’s job): “What is a ‘real Met / True Yankee”

>All Hail Nick Evans

Hooray for #6 Nick Evans who was issued a “good” number, went three for four with three doubles and 2 RBI. Batting around in the first should help Willie sleep a tad better, but I’d still fear the Wilpon meeting if I were him.

Tale of two teams – the schedule this week has allowed the Mets Police to catch a lot of Yankees. Last week the Yanks were reeling, now it seems like they are rolling. Having the MVP back will do that for you. Conversely, the Mets seemed like they were on their way Sunday night and well…if you’re on this blog you know the deal.

Back to Nick. Nice to have another “Met” in the lineup. No Dodgers, Braves or Bosox. An actual Met. Kinda nice. Hopefully he can play with The Captain and OverReyes for a long long time. Hanging 5-6-7 on the wall in 2025 would be kinda nice, but I’m kinda getting ahead don’t ya think.