Always follow the money – Super rich guy who wants casino making political donations

Gothamist reports:

Developers and businesspeople behind proposals to bring casinos to the five boroughs have cut five- and six-figure checks to the New York State Democratic Committee’s accounts since the start of 2023, according to state and federal campaign finance records.

Steve Cohen is the state Democratic Committee’s single largest donor, according to a Gothamist analysis of state and federal campaign finance records.


Cohen contributed a total of $235,000 to the state Democratic Party since the start of 2023. That’s on top of $167,500 he gave the party’s committees in the prior two-year cycle and $109,600 he gave in 2018, according to state records.

Since the parking lots surrounding Citi Field are technically parkland, Cohen needs the state Legislature and Hochul to approve a bill to alienate it for his casino bid. He struck out during the 2024 legislative session, when Sen. Jessica Ramos of Queens — a Democrat who represents Willets Point — declined to introduce the bill.

Cohen will try again in 2025. A spokesperson for his investment firm, Point72, declined to comment Wednesday.

I will comment that the area is not “technically” parkland, that’s like saying Earth is “technically” a planet.  It’s parkland, and it’s not meant to be a casino.

By the way $235,000 sounds like a lot of money but it’s not really that big a number.  Now, $1,800,000,000 , thats a big number.  You wonder what motivates a person to write that kind of check.


Mets Blood Drive Monday

  The New York Mets, in partnership with New York Blood Center (NYBC), will host their annual Summer Blood Drive presented by NewYork-Presbyterian on Monday, August 12 from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the Piazza Club at Citi Field.

Fans donating blood will receive a voucher redeemable for two tickets to a select Mets regular season home game during the 2024 season with exclusions and based on availability.

NYBC has issued an urgent call for type O+ and O- blood donations. Type O+ is the most common blood type, representing nearly 40% of the U.S. population. Type O- is the universal blood type and is commonly used in emergency settings. Type O shortages are being reported across the U.S. and are impacting local hospitals, with the current inventory of type O blood at its lowest levels since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A shortage of both types, both locally and nationally, poses serious concerns for our healthcare system, and the need for donors is critical.

Donors must be 16 years of age (with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. As always, people are not eligible to donate if they are experiencing a cold, sore throat, respiratory infection or flu-like symptoms. To view current eligibility guidelines, visit or call 800.688.0900.

WHEN:            Monday, August 12

10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

WHO:              Mr. Met will be in attendance from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

WHERE:         Piazza Club at Citi Field

Media may park in Lot G off Seaver Way and enter through the Hodges VIP entrance.

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Pete Alonso happy to blame you guys that the Mets are the 4th Wild Card

Pete Alosno said:

“I’m on pace for close to 40 homers, I was an All-Star this year, to beat myself up or be frustrated – it’s really no use. I’m really excited for the end of the year where we get to play winning baseball. I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this year so far”


“I’m on pace for close to 40 homers = I am selfish

I was an All-Star this year = I am unaware that I was a bad pick and there were some politics involved

I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this year so far” = I’m OK with a .41st best 790 OPS

Pete, Pete, Pete.  You’re supposedly a “leader.”  You’re supposed to say something like  “I feel bad when I let these guys down”  “I’m out there giving it my all, but sometimes I feel like I let these guys down” and “I let these guys down.”  Not “my stats are fine.”

Loser.  And I say that as someone who has watched you “lead” this team to one playoff appearance and…checks notes…one playoff win.   One more than me.  But then again, I let those guys down.

And @metspolice is back

Captain, we’re back up on @metspolice twitter but I canna guarantee that she won’t get suspended again.  Maybe we should just stick to Threads (@metspolice)

Scotty, the Mets are the 4th Wild Card and people are finally turning on Pete Alonso.  I need to tweet NOOOOOOOWWWWW.

(Follow @metspolice2 just in case)

Travel Is So Hard in The MLB

Saw at least one beat reporter say that their flight was delayed/caneled/messed up and also some chatter about Keith Hernandez maybe not being able to get to St. Louis.

Life is so hard in The MLB.  Nobody ever has travel hiccups.

And the poor Mets. Man, flying charter and then only getting 9 or 10 hours sleep?  Life is hard in The MLB.

Follow @metspolice2 on t w I t t e r while my main account is in exile.

If you don’t think I said “The MLB” twice on purpose you aren’t paying attention.