Mets Eclipse Cap is somewhat snazzy

I continue to be a t w I t t e r exile so you can follow me at @metspolice2 for now or @metspolice on t h r e a d s  (the odd spaces are me trying to avoid getting further whacked by the bots.)

Anyway I kinda like this cap which is a good way to rep the 4th Wild Card Mets


These might pairir nicely with the powder blue alts from 40 years ago.

Follow @metspolice2 on t w I t t e r and @metspolice on T h r e a d s

I am currently in exile, banished from T w I t t e r because I followed their directions and updated the “for Mac” app to X, and then was suspended.  PC Mag reports:


I’m less bothered by my follower count – not that I don’t appreciate you, I do – but the algorithms on T w I t t e r have gated things so much that nobody was interacting anyway.

In the mean time while I am exiled… I am using the cleverly named Mets Police 2 on X

and I am going to hang out on Threads more to see what life there is like.  Threads:

Follow me on both and I will follow you back  Threads is a little lonely, I’d like to get some convos going.

A world to win, an empire to build.


Washington Post article about Tyler Skaggs name-checks Matt Harvey

This is a good read.  Matt Harvey is mentioned.

I wish to be clear that I am not trying to backhandedly suggesting something here.  You should read the very lengthy article, I am just isolating the Harvey paragraph because Matt Harvey is a notable figure in Mets history.

The Washington Post mentions:

Pitcher Matt Harvey, Skaggs’s teammate, later admitted after being given legal immunity that a few days before the Texas road trip he gave Skaggs several pills marked “K56” containing oxycodone,which was what investigators found in his backpack and his toxicology report. (Harvey declined to comment.)  (via WashPo)