Dog Banner Day?

Dogs, if you are attending Bark in the Park I ask you to carry a banner.

Dogs will be allowed on the field for a parade, and since the Mets seem unwilling to have Banner Day, I’m counting on you guys to hold one in protest.

This image is used by Walt for his @formerdirtdart twitter…he’s a good follow and hooks me up with posts about 4x a week.

If anyone out there has photos of the Mets Dog, send em over: [email protected] because lets face it, its a long winter.

Speaking of twitter, I was suggesting @metspolice that the Mets start a dog at second base and bat him 8th.   Dogs have better range than Castillo and hit like Duda.  It would get me to watch.

3 Replies to “Dog Banner Day?”

  1. When was the last time you saw more than one or two banners at the park in the stands anyway? Would anyone actually bother if they had a banner day?

  2. Ceetar
    I would think so but you are right.
    FAN has robbed the concept of the banner for we all want instant fame and gratification.
    Weeks ago I posted the call for a banner day and I think I got one reply.
    We are viewed as semi-necessary evils by management.
    They wish us only to buy things and drink over-priced beer.
    We are knee deep in the big muddy and the big fools say push on(hat tip to Pete Seeger, a true visionary).

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