Devils And Bears Oh My

The Newark Bears are filing for bankruptcy. Why? They're in Newark.

I like the Atlantic League. Hit a LI Ducks game sometime, it's tons of fun. In fact you pull into a big giant free parking lot and walk 10 feet into a park that still feels band new. The game is less important than the fun between innings. Kids have a ball.

Meanwhile in Newark you get to drive to a crowded aging still scary city (sorry Corey). There's a tiered lot – everyone loves those. Sure you're encouraged to take mass transit. The NJT system is horrible enough at rush hour. You want to wait 59 minutes for a train if you don't time things right?

Meanwhile a few blocks away the Devils have announced they don't want to pay the rent. That's what Newark gets for building this new unneccesary arena. You know that $2.1 million the Devils were going to pay? Pysche!

A few miles up the road an unnecessary football stadium is being built – with no rail link. There's a giant parking lot sitting there day after day but no rail link to nyc.

The Giants get their blood money in PSLs. The Devils get their fancy new building on which they don't pay rent. As for the Bears – sorry, nobody cared. Good try.

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