Bags Allowed In Yankee Stadium!

Oh my….head on over to the New Stadium Insider for some shocking Yankees news!

You can now bring a small bag into Yankee Stadium!!!

Yeah, I know right?   The Yankees have finally realized that maybe some fans come straight from work to a Yankees game.   Some fans even have something called “children” with them.

Of course the Yankees have still banned briefcases (a device potentially used by James Bond villains), and large backpacks…so forget about bringing your laptop…but this is a major departure.

First the Yankees allow suntan lotion and now bags.  What’s next, bazooka guns?

I keep waiting for someone in the Bronx to hear about the shoebomber.  We should all have to take our shoes off and walk through metal detectors to enter Fake Yankee Stadium to ensure our safety at Yankees games.

I don’t know if I can attend any more Yankee games if they are going to let people bring bags in.  I hope they don’t rescind their “take off your hat” policy (really, they make you lift your baseball cap) – people might start sneaking bombs in under their Yankee caps.  

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