I Do Not Enjoy Cow Bell Man’s Work

Donk donk donk. Donk donk donk.

I'm sure Cow Bell Man is a great guy and obviously a huge Mets fan.
Donk donk donk but I don't enjoy his work.

Never mind the announcerless inning on tv. Last night on the radio it
was annoying. I almost wanted the Noise Pollution Patrol to crank up
some music to drown him out.

I know on paper that I should appreciate a home grown thing like thus
but it's annoying and isn't it just a poor man's Freddy Sez?

Sent from my iPhone

One Reply to “I Do Not Enjoy Cow Bell Man’s Work”

  1. Dude annoys me, but I feel sorry for him, despite his narcissism. Daily News did a write-up on him years ago. Deaths in his family and divorce has left him alone. The Mets are all he has.
    Funniest anti-Cow-Bell–Man protest I ever saw was in 2006 or 2007, when a young man wore a shirt that said "Triangle Boy," and paraded around the Upper Deck at Shea banging on the nearly-silent triangle.
    O well—at least Pin Man is the silent type…

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