Save (Real) Yankee Stadium’s Gate 2

I fully support the plan to save Gate 2.

Read this:

Published: October 22, 2009
Some fans want to retain old Yankee Stadium’s Gate 2 as part of Heritage Field on the site.

“One of the most common comments we get when we talk to people about it is: who would be against this?” said Costello, an insurance company safety consultant and aYankees fan despite his family’s roots in Brooklyn.

But the city is not seriously considering the proposal, which would involve restoring the Yankee Stadium name and two carved eagle medallions to the gate, to make it look as it did in 1928, and building a new side wall.

The article also mentions that there’s no statue of Babe Ruth at Fake New Yankee Stadium.  Mets Police featured this guest article from the Ruth family back in April.

So now I have said nice things about the Yankees and Phillies and it’s not even 9am.  I’m sure I will be popular today.

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