Red Sox Owner John Henry’s Comments

I suspect this will pick up traction today (and I heard about it from Mike & Mike) but Bosox owner John Henry has some pretty strong comments including:

“Change is needed,” Henry wrote, “and that is reflected by the fact that over a billion dollars have been paid to seven chronically uncompetitive teams, five of whom have had baseball’s highest operating profits.  Who, except these teams, can think this is a good idea?”

You can read the entire piece here, where Henry talks about the need for a salary minimum.

To bring the topic to Flushing, we should be thankful that while our ownership may at times be cheap, may at times be unwise (can’t wait to hear about Molina’s multi-year deal), at least they haven’t gone the route of running bare-bones…and for that we may have the consumer competition in the Bronx to thank.

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One Reply to “Red Sox Owner John Henry’s Comments”

  1. I have to take objection to calling the Mets cheap. While "the Coupons" is a clever nickname, it really doesn't work for a team that has consistently had one of the top 3 highest payrolls in the game (last year it was number 2). Now unwise is a whole other story…

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