Black for black’s sake (link)

Uni Watch which does a far better job about ripping black uniform than I’ll ever do has a nice article today (part 2 of 2) about what they call Black for Black’s Sake.

“Black For Black’s Sake” — or BFBS — it’s the second entry in the Uni Watch Glossary. It’s defined in there as “a reference to teams that gratuitously add black to their uniform design even though black was never one of their team colors.” Fittingly, the example is the New York Mets, the poster child for this seemingly endless fashion statement.

2 Replies to “Black for black’s sake (link)”

  1. But, it can be argued, that black should have been an original Mets color from the onset and adding it now merely corrected an oversight happening in 1962. Black was a Giants color, as was orange. Blue and white (and red) were Dodger colors. By combining two colors from the Giants (i.e. black and orange) and two from the Dodgers (i.e. blue and white) you get the current colors of the Mets. Not some random adding of colors, but grounded in history.

  2. I agree with Michael. I think what we are witnessing is the slow evolution of the Mets uniform, coming into its own, as it simultaneously reevaluates how it is going to represent the legacy of NL baseball in NYC.

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