Two more fan designed Mets cap ideas

FormerDirtDart, who made the big time when one of his designs made it on UniWatch, sent these over…

Two hybrids, if they must have them. one is a quick photoshop alternate to the current hybrid. The other seems to be a real life version of my bizarro world road hat.

Speaking of UniWatchUniWatch rules. Is writing about this stuff derivative? I think derivative would be a step up. Paul has been posting DIY jerseys for years. However as I was saying to Cerrone yesterday (name dropper), I gets tons of these in my inbox so clearly people dig it…and I dig it….so Paul, I kiss the ring with complete respect and awe! Everyone visit Uniwatch, and hopefully together we can rid the universe of black jerseys.

4 Replies to “Two more fan designed Mets cap ideas”

  1. that second one makes me think of Daffy Duck in the cartoon in which he has his bill shot off to the other side of his face.

  2. I think that the second one would need a much darker royal blue if you’re only going to have the orange logo.

  3. The black bill on the blue cap is just not pleasant. I own a 2006 BP cap like that, and though I still wear it a good bit because it’s comfortable, it just gets uglier every time I look at it.

    On its own, the grey cap rocks. We’d have to see it on the head of someone in uniform to make a proper judgment, though. I really think that was the problem with the 1997 “Ice Cream” caps.

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