Some Mets blogs to check out

A few times a year I’ll post about some other blogs to check out…and a holiday weekend always seems to be a good time.  It’s as if I write these in advance so I can go to the beach!  If I left you off I mean no offense, just drop me a note and I’ll include you for July 4th.

Here’s this weekend’s list.  I’ll assume you know about things like MetsBlog and this list is by no means a comprehensive blogroll.

Some of the blogs I traditionally mention like Checked Swing and Mets Walk Offs are taking a break, but there are new sites that I’m digging.

I really like what The Apple is doing.  Randy has a daily funny and fake Mets story.  The great thing is he has found a way to write things that are almost plausible in the wacky Metsiverse but never mean.

Paul from Paul’s Random Stuff is a cool mix of Mets, baseball cards and Atlantic League baseball.  Go Ducks.

My boy Centerfield Maz keeps a steady stream of Former Mets of the Day, Italian-American heroes, some New York Giants and the occasional concert review.  If you like yesteryear stuff (and yesteryear is often the 70’s-90’s) Maz deserves a bookmark.

On The Black is interesting to me because he does video blogging.

Hotfoot is also cool – it’s a Tumblr which means it is more photo and link based…but is like a hawk during “work hours” getting stuff up quickly.  I personally need to pay more attention to that site.

Faith & Fear earn my respect for (a) the book deal, (b) organizing pizza parties and (c) being able to write more than two paragraphs.  Imagine if I had to do that?!

Subway Squawkers is a married Mets fan and Yankee fan arguing.

Ceetar brings balance to the force with Optimistic Mets Fan

Vinny just started Metszilla about a week ago – I am eternally thankful for those who helped me get rolling, so here’s a link and good luck.

Also new on the scene is Anthony who started Long Live Shea Stadium. Anthony focuses on previews and wraps.

One more new one is Watch the Gap Sports where Brian and a friend write about all the locals.

I dig because I am very interested in new media – here Matt from MetsBlog writes in a different style than MetsBlog, more casual.

Shoutout to Tommy from The Knicks Blog because we shared drinks and burgers.

For the amount I write about uniforms and caps around here I’m confident you’ll love Uni Watch

I’ve been a slacker (well busy actually) with Shannon’s Other Blog where my intention is to share the non-Mets stuff.  I’ll try harder.

Keep an eye on where I dump pictures as I walk around the city.  I have a box on the main Mets Police page with the most recent photos.