Fox’s Citi Field Security Story

I was cleaning up the inbox last night and realized I forgot to get to this one.  I don’t think it got much play around the blogoverse since it was first published into Memorial Day weekend.

In a nutshell, some are saying that it’s easy to sneak into Citi Field’s employee gate, and this Fox reporter says he made it all the way to the field level without being stopped.

If this security hole wasn’t tightened up after the Fox story I bet it will be within the hour, so if you were planning on sneaking in…don’t.  Pay your way….and if you feel like ragging about stadium security there’s another place across town that is ridiculous.

One Reply to “Fox’s Citi Field Security Story”

  1. ROFL Have you watched the video. It’s hilarious. Dude essentially says, “I made it through security with little more than a press credential and a camera crew.”

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