Megdal for GM campaign has started

Howard Megdal officially announced his campaign to be the next GM earlier today.

I spoke with Howard last week, and he assured me this is not an Omar Must Go campaign.  Rather it is to be the next GM, hopefully after Omar’s 30 year run and 29 rings (2023 is a nightmare.)

His declaration speech is below (it was stuttering for me earlier tonight, but that’s probably just because Mrs. Mets Police broke my computer).   Below that, some thoughts…

I thought it would be interesting to look at Howard’s issues page which calls for Logic, Transparency and Passion.

Transparency worries me.  Plexiglass is allegedly transparent and we know how awful that could be.

I’m also awaiting Megdal’s position on The Mazzilli Question.

There will be more about this as the months go by – including a primary election here on the MP and some Q&A.

I’d also like to know who else is running?

Megdal for GM