David Wright in a photoshopped blue Mets jersey

More email I couldn’t process while stuck on AT&T’s Edge network at nationwide airports.  Get it together guys.  Here’s Jeff:


Got bored & painted over this picture of Wright in alternate black.  He’s now in alternate blue.  After finishing, I couldn’t stand to look at the black helmet on the blue jersey, so I painted over that, too.  The helmet didn’t come out real well, but you already know what the mets cap is supposed to look like.

I’m a two-uniform guy, but this would make an ideal spring training uni, if MLB didn’t insist on Little League World Series-style generic jersey templates.


As I was reading Jeff’s email, the Steinbrenner news broke so I told him that I’d hold off on the Wright stuff (until now apparently) and Jeff’s comments echo so many Mets fans:

Very sad. Ran his team like a fan. An erratic, wildly irrational fan. When he had the most day-to-day impact on his club, he managed to make the Mets the varsity team in NYC, something we’ll likely never see again. There’s no way myself and many other guys in their early 30s grow up to be Met fans had they not briefly ruled the NY baseball landscape in the mid 80s. That was as much the product of Steinbrenner’s madness as it was competent leadership in Queens.

A diminished, house-bound Steinbrenner was a greater tragedy than his passing. Although Met fans would say they hated him, we all know that if he owned our club, there’s no way a loser like Ollie Perez or irreparably tainted has-been like Luis Castillo would get anywhere near his starting lineup after their respective histories.

The Mets owners should pay attention to what Jeff said about Mets fans in their 30’s.   The Yankees have already stolen 15 years worth of kids.   Gotta win boys.  It might take money but you gotta win.

(I’m still catching up on emails – if I haven’t posted your submissions hang tough.  Thanks always for sending them in – [email protected])

One Reply to “David Wright in a photoshopped blue Mets jersey”

  1. Shannon, i am sure i am in the minority on my opinion but i think steinbrenner overall was very bad for baseball. I think all he suceeded in doing is line his pockets with the fans money. Because of him salaries have gone threw the roof at ridiculous paces, the beloved stadiums we grew up with around the country were demolished and replaced with corporate parks. Ticket and food prices went threw the roof making it almost impossible for a family to enjoy a day at the stadium. Because of him the fans are now supporting the players salaries while everyone gets rich. And as george quoted so well in seinfeld “all to support your massive ego”

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