The devolution of Mets uniforms

Great point by Sparks…

It’s hard to believe that we once thought THIS was ugly. If we only knew….

Damn, makes me think a “no dropshadow but fine you can wear black underneath” would be a good trade at this point.

5 Replies to “The devolution of Mets uniforms”

  1. this is why I’ve always said that the black drop shadow was a good thing. it makes the orange and blue stand out without standing out itself. it’s the other uses of black (in the BP jersey, the alternate jerseys, and the all black caps) that are bad.

  2. Have to disagree. The “dropshadow” is pretty pointless. The Blue and Orange will stand on its own regardless. Adding a Black dropshadow just makes the uniform look too busy. Like it doesn’t need something but its there anyway. A simplified look keeps the uniform from looking too busy and convoluted. Darkening the blue slightly would actually help the orange stand out without the “need ” for a dropshadow.

  3. I don’t like the dropshadow on either top, but I actually like it better on the pins than the whites. While some say it gives some “pop” to the otherwise vanilla whites, I think that just makes for a goofy contrast. On the pins, it thoroughly screws up the retro look, but otherwise looks OK.

  4. What do you mean black underneath? if you look at Fonzie’s left sleave he is wearing a blue shirt underneath?

    As for the drop shadow, it stinks. the only reason it may look better is that it makes the “font” look bold.

  5. Blue characters with an orange outline AND a black dropshadow. When is enough enough? Should we underline everything a couple times, so it really, really stands out?

    The whole thing lacks taste or imagination.

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