Manning up and playing better

Good morning Mets fans.

As I do my quick catch-up before another long day in the real world, I find myself thinking about last week when I wrote an article called “Stop Sucking” and declared myself team captain.

I mentioned that RA, Johan and I seem to be the only people who care. Wow, look at these last two nights. Hopefully Pat Misch will join our quest to man up and play better so we can all Injoy The Floating Feeling.

I see the Los Mets cream jerseys made their debut.

More stuff will roll out throughout the day. This is another one and done for me. Catch up with y’all soon.

One Reply to “Manning up and playing better”

  1. Figures. The Mets break out the cream pinstripes for the first time in weeks (in the second half?) and it’s Los Mets night. Why ruin the best uniform the team has with the temporary addition? Keep Los on the pinless whites.

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