Mets Police Podcast Sunday at 6:30pm

I promised I would talk about the podcast.

When? We do it at 6:30pm on Sunday.

What do we talk about? Stuff from the site during the week, whatever the Mets topic of the week is (say K-Rod), and whichever the way the wind is blowing after Sunday night’s game.

How can you listen? Visit the show page during the show, wait until it’s over and listen on the show page or on the main Mets Police page, or subscribe (free) via iTunes.

How can you call? (917) 889-2723 during the live show.  If you tell me ahead of time ([email protected]) that you are calling and give me your # then I can say “Hi Steve” as opposed to “we have a caller from New Jersey” (caller ID).

Is it good? I was surprised that some people were sad when we didn’t do it last week.   It’s getting better.  Media Goon, Dan and I don’t claim to be good at radio.  This is just for fun.

I hope you join us, and feel free to bring up your own topics.

2 Replies to “Mets Police Podcast Sunday at 6:30pm”

  1. just added podcasts app for blackberry to my phone, when i add the to it it says it is not a valid link. how would i add your channel?

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