Megdal For GM: Letter to Jeff Wilpon

I guess we’re at the end of the road for Megdal for GM.  Howard won all his primaries, and has send a letter off to Jeff Wilpon including the below.

By the way, I notice we (me, you, the media, the blogs) all speak of “Jeff Wilpon.”  Did Fred sell the team or quit or something.

I ask that, before you make any decisions about who your next General Manager will be, that you take some time and meet with me. I will happily come to the place of your choosing at your convenience. I am certain that, once I detail for you exactly how to turn the New York Mets into the consistent winner you both deserve and have sought during your tenure in ownership, we will find it mutually beneficial to work together.

Read the rest at  Megdal For GM › Megdal For GM: Letter to Jeff Wilpon.

I pledged my support to Howard in exchange for Lee Mazzilli Poster Day II and I think he said he’d get rid of the black unis (despite the stager image on his site).