Jeff: Blah blah blah disappointed blah blah change blah blah

Good morning Mets fans,

I spent yesterday afernoon giggling as I watched twitter.  Every mainstream outlet in the world was running with “Report: Minaya and Jerry out on Monday!”

Basically it is something that the Metsnescenti have sort of felt for months and yet nobody seems to know-know.   “Reports’ always have some unnamed deep throat source.  The person who printed the story first yesterday (as everyone in mainstream ignored the blogger who had the exact same report Thursday) has good street-cred but to act like this was NEWS was kind of ridiculous.

However, we all have column space to fill including this fat blogger.   I too can’t find anything else to write about.  I mean anything, and I looked.   No obscure ebay listing, no random jerseys (gotta clean up my inbox – there’s probably a reader who is now ticked because he sent me something in August), nothing.

So as Cerrone and Paul’s Random Stuff have pointed out – here’s how the upcoming week goes.

All of a sudden expect 15,000 tweets telling you once again Jerry and Omar have been relieved.  Press conference at Date/Time.

Then there will be a bunch of generic columns about who should run the Mets next.   Expect the usual names for manager (throw in the odd LaRussa to make your column different) and some similar columns about the GM.

Then at date/time we get The Appearance.   The Wilpons Speak.  The following words will be said…

Blah blah blah blah disappointed blah blah blah blah fans blah blah blah change blah blah blah blah winning blah blah blah attitude/culture blah blah blah.

Someone will ask Jeff about money/Madoff/budget and Jeff will get snippy and point out the Mets have the second largest payroll or whatever.

Someone will ask about autonomy and Jeff will give a quote that he wants to say yes but tells us it is no.

We will be reminded that Omar is a good man, Jerry too.

Here is what I want Jeff to say.  “Our goal is to win the World Series.  Anything else is failure.”

Don’t talk to me about change, attitude, winning, meaningful games in September, fans, anything but a ring.

25 years Jeff.  Twenty five years.

Then on Tuesday the Yankees give the Mets cover and the mainstream media moves on to the next parade.   Not the bloggers Jeff, not the bloggers.

3 Replies to “Jeff: Blah blah blah disappointed blah blah change blah blah”

  1. Sources tell me Jeff is a total disaster.

    I believe it…from the running of the team, the uniform, the stadium, the ticket plans…nothing is good here.

  2. Steve, there are places that say, that Jeff is the one that wants to be aggressive. Personally, I blame father & son. They both have hits to take. Either way, I am willing to wait as steps get taken, but not long. first they need the heart/guts transplant. I hate him, but even if they over pay him, sign Jason Werth and tell him that his job is to beat the heck out of anyone who plays like a p***y. Or acts like one. Even if he never sees the field. And that includes the pitchers on the team who refuse to bust batters inside, and we all know the usual suspects…Uggla, Sanchez, Harris, Utley, Victorino, McCann. I am sure I can think of a few more. I would add Jeter, Posad & A-Rod, mostly because while I do not necessarily hate the Yankees themselves, I hate most of their spoiled, self-righteous fans, and I want to piss them off a little bit, or maybe a lot.

  3. Very few free agent hitters would want to come here and deal with this ballpark. Only desperate ones like Jason bay (oops…that didn’t work out too well).

    Step one Jeffie:

    Move the freakin fences in.

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