Let us support the Formerly New York Giants

Long ago my ancestors fled Ireland in search of a better future.  A decision based upon economics.  I do not think poorly of them, and I am able consider myself to be “Irish” while of course being American.

Mets fans, I invite you to join me (and Terence) in supporting the Team of Our Ancestors.

A team that gave us our NY insignia.  A team that gave us our first home of the Mets.

A team that brought 17 NL pennants to this great city of ours.  Seventeen!

A team that provided New York with 5 World Series titles.

A team that even knew how to work black into the color scheme without looking like idiots.

Our ancestors are not the bums from Brooklyn no matter what Fred would leave you to believe.

This is New York’s National League team.   We shall root them on to win a World Series like our grandfathers did.

Terence is on board and has shared his ensemble.   I ordered the orange Giants jersey and will pair it up with my old black and orange NY Giants cap (because I don’t have a super cool one like Terence’s below and my red white and blue one would be a train wreck).

I support the Formerly New York Giants in the World Series.  Do you?

14 Replies to “Let us support the Formerly New York Giants”

  1. Oh hell no. They left NY high and dry. Frankly I doubt I’ll watch an inning of the series.

    Although I’m happy to see you finally acknowledge that black has just as much traditional NY roots at blue and orange. Shall I put you down for a black Ike jersey?

    1. I’ll be watching the series (and cheering on the NL), but wholly agree with the acknowledgement of black as being a traditional color for the New York NL team.

    2. I have no real love of the Rangers though. Then again, I like Ryan and his pitching philosophy, but that’s not enough for me to root for them. I’ve always kinda liked the Giants.

      Not going to say “rooting”, but wouldn’t mind seeing them win.

  2. Thinking back, why not wear the Ott jersey you already have (and, if I recall correctly, it is BLUE)?

  3. Sorry, but I generally root for any teams that beats the Yankees. Yes , I know, then they can say the “lost” to the champs, but…it’s more fun wearing my nes T – Rangers hat around the office. And besides, I’m rooting for Nolan and Frenchy.

    1. I’m with you Chuck. Hoping for continued Texas luck through Frenchtober, and into Frenchvember.
      Mostly I’m rooting for the Rangers because it will be fun seeing them win their first championship.

  4. I’m on board with this, for the most part. I’m just ecstatic that neither the Skanks nor Filths are in this one, either way we’re going to see a city that’s never won before win for the first time.

    I’ll be wearing my NY Giants hat (as seen in the above photo)… it’s time the SF Giants started connecting with their NY past though…

    1. Realistically looking at it, both the Giants and Dodgers may as well have been expansion teams with veteran players that were created out west for all the acknowledgement they have of their pre-1958 past. Other than Jackie Robinson, the Dodgers retired numbers are all from players that have played since 1958 for them (although some of these players actually had their glory years in Flatbush). The Giants have done a better job of lip service to their heroes of the past, but it is safe to say that the ghosts of the great Giant teams from days of yore, managed by the spectre of John McGraw, are still roaming the Elysian Fields of Coogan’s Bluff. Terry, Ott, Matty and McGraw are better remembered in New York than in California (and when someone is looking back at the career of Willie Mays, many people look back at him more often as a New York Giant more than a SF Giant. It has been argued that the fans in San Francisco disliked him there because they always considered him a New York Giant which is why they embraced McCovey et al more than they ever embraced him).
      Say what you will about the Wilpons, but I do believe that they take seriously the mantle of the Mets being representative of both the NL teams of pre-1958 and also of their own history. Which is why I believe they rectified the color scheme of the Mets twelve years ago by adding black to the official colors. Also,I think that any HOF player that played for the pre-1958 Giants or Dodgers should have some sort of banner with their name at Citi Field with the respective black & orange NY or blue & white B to honor them where they actually were represented. And, since he actually did play for the Mets and went with them to the World Series in 1973, the Mets should retire Mays’ #24. IMHO FWIW.

      1. Good ideas. I’d like to see legacy Orange and Blue players on banners at Shea 2.0, and 24 on the outfield wall (next to 31).

  5. Either way, I’m onboard for all games this October/Nov. Thrilled to see A-rod finally leading the Rangers into the World Series’. LOL

    Anyone hear Mike Princesa gloss over the Yank’s gutless playoffs… jajajajajajajaja.

  6. “Our ancestors are not the bums from Brooklyn no matter what Fred would leave you to believe.”
    Absolutely true. Joan Payson, the Mets’ first owner, was a minority owner of the Giants and actually tried to get Stoneham to sell the team to her before he moved it to San Francisco (she also voted against moving the team). Also, the Mets original road uniforms (and the current version of them as well) are modeled on the Giants roadies from the 1950s, including the identical “New York” font on the jersey (supposedly the Mets script on the home uniforms is based upon the Dodgers script).
    If any forethought had really been given to the team colors, they would have completely combined the Dodgers blue and white with the black and orange of the Giants (the red from the Dodgers numbers would have, in my opinion, been a bit much when combined with the orange so it is best they were not included).
    Also, the Giants wore blue off and on as part of their team colors as far back as 1900 through 1932. They wore blue and white (either alone or combined with red) continuously from 1936 to 1946, so in some respect it can be said that they gave the Mets those colors along with the Dodgers.

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