There is another

Good morning to all Mets Fans and especially all the new readers that joined the Mets Police this week.

Friends, Charliegate bothers me.  I have a bad feeling about this.

For the newbies…on Saturday I try to take things a little lighter since traffic is usually down on the weekend.  I think you’ll still find the content engaging, but I don’t do Important Stuff when nobody is looking.

On Saturday I head off to Unnamed Donuts Chain (the one that has great coffee) and always mention it.  Someday they will sponsor my blog.   Sometimes I do Actual Athletics, but right now I am at soccer with Junior…and he is today’s problem.

Yesterday I was in Sporting Goods Store and had a gift card.  I didn’t want anything so I let the kids pick what they wanted.  Beloved Daughter (she of the Black Mets Jersey – we can get into that another day) got some shoelaces or something.  Junior headed over to the caps.

He picked a Yankee cap.

Earlier in the week we were watching the World Series and he said when he grows up he wants to be on the Yankees.  For Free.

“What if the Mets give you a million dollars?”

He’d rather be on the Yankees.   Why?

“They always win.”

As you may know, every child born since 1996 is a Yankees fan.  This is not Fred Wilpon’s problem but it damn sure is going to be Jeff’s problem.  An entire generation gone.   Jeff better hope that (a) Sandy is as good as advertised and (b) there are as many frontrunners in this town as there were in the 1980’s.

So Junior got a Yankees cap.

Yoda: Told you I did. Reckless is he. Now, matters are worse.
Obi-Wan: That boy is our last hope.
Yoda: No. There is another.

A sister!

Yes Mets fans, there is another.  A sister.  A sister I believe never before mentioned on the blog.

Baby Sister picked out (on her own)….a Mets cap.

A Twins ’47 cleanup model blue cap just like the one her dad likes and wears.

As for Junior, he needs his Tom Seaver moment.  I met 41 as a boy.  I’m going to have to get Junior in a room with David Wright.

5 Replies to “There is another”

  1. Yes..but..

    despite the bitching Citi Field is cheaper, and is a better place to see a game. The Mets will win again, and even ‘losing’ teams win games at home. Between Mr. Met, the nice area in CF and the somewhat affordable seats, you’re gonna find more kids at Citi Field, and more will be..influenced.

    I don’t think 8 year olds care that you can take home prime steaks from the ballpark.

  2. I started watching baseball in 1976. I was a Yankee-Red Sox fan, living the year in both places. Didn’t realize what I was in for.

    It’s funny how kids take to the team that’s exciting, and then spend their adult lives riding out down days. For the Yankees, between Munson’s death and Charlie Hayes’ putout to end the 1996 World Series was 17 years. And by that time, they’d turned into loveable underdogs.

    Ceetar … Citifield is cheaper and a better place to see a game, unless you’re talking the Yankee bleachers, which remains the best bargain in town, good team or bad.

    1. yes, but the Yankees bleachers are stereotyped (And probably rightly so) as one of the more family-unfriendly places in sports.

      Also, just like the Mets, you only have a couple of games to choose from at value prices, otherwise it’s $14 day of game.

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