Royals offer revolutionary 13 game Sunday only Value Plan

I concede that it’s the Royals who only drew 1.6 million paid in 2010 to 52.9% capacity….however it caught my eye that they have a 13 game value plan. Even more amazing and unrealistic for NYC is that you can sit in the outfield uppers for $65.  No not %65 per game, $65 for the season!

I understand that the Mets are playing with a different set of parameters, but the whole “13 Sundays” thing is fascinating.

To be fair they also offer a crappy “Wednesday/Saturday” package that I look at and see “Wednesday Plus.”

In other random news, the A’s have scheduled a doubleheader on purpose. Kinda cool.  Next thing you know they’ll be letting fans walk around with signs between games.

6 Replies to “Royals offer revolutionary 13 game Sunday only Value Plan”

  1. Nearly every game I went to & every time they showed them on tv, the left field uppers were 3/4 empty at CitiField this year.

    I’m not sure why we could’t have a $100 a seat, 10-game Sunday pack. (Go ahead and leave out the Yankee game & a couple of others to make it work out to $10 per ticket.)

  2. $100 a seat weekend pack, I’d be in even if the team sucked.

    Guess they haven’t figured out yet that 0 people in the seats eat 0 food and pay 0 for parking (though they pay for SNY by default these days).

    Even if you comp 5000 tickets a game, that’s more money that you would have had in your pockets.

  3. I know it’s a very different market, but you can get a season ticket for the Braves in the Upper Pavilion for 249 bucks as far as I can tell. That’s awesome.

    1. This is the point. New Yorkers love a bargain. They love a bargain they can count on. For many years, you could still see the Yanks at field level for under $10, in the bleachers. Against the Red Sox.

      The Mets need to take one of their least desirable sections, rope it off, and charge pennies on the dollar for it.

      The fact is, supply can drive demand. If you’ve got reasonably priced supply, and the price doesn’t fluctuate, and fans know there’s a place they can go on the cheap come game day … they’re going to show up.

  4. Is it a different market though? It’s not like supply drives demand…there is no demand and there is a ton of supply. The Braves have put out an infinitely better product than the Mets over the past 2 decades. They’ve done it with a lower payroll, especially recently, so what you’re telling me is we’re paying for incompetence and people who can’t get the job done… hell sign the Wilpons up for congress!

    1. Uppers in LF. High in the air, far from the plate. Far from human beings. Going once, going twice, sold to the pigeons in the rafters.

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