The most bizarre Mets jacket yet?

Steve found this one…it is a “New York Mets wool jacket.”

Did the Mets used to play in Kyoto?   Is this from a Sliders universe where the Japanese won World War II?  Had the Japanese won WW2 wouldn’t that have increased the chances that the Giants stayed in NYC?   Maybe the Tokyo Giants forced the New York team to change their nickname?

This one is available at….wait for it… if you’d like to buy one.  Mets Police encourages you to think twice before shopping on line today.  Impulse buying could lead you to buy dubious Mets attire from interestingly titled websites.

2 Replies to “The most bizarre Mets jacket yet?”

  1. More like a Sliders universe where the Wilpons buy the Yankees and merge the Mets & Yankees under the MLB contraction of 2000 (neither McGuire or Sosa breaks 30 HRs in 98, & Bonds never leaves Pittsburgh nor discovers BALCO)

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