Murray Chass on Piazza and steroids

From Murray Chass posted January 6th

Piazza? I have been accused of being the only writer who has publicly suggested that he used steroids, but talk to any reporter who covered the Mets and they will say of course, he did.


Seems Mike’s name has come up a lot, and I have posted things like this three or four times this week.

I have no issues with Mike.  Never met him.  I’m not out to get him.

I’ll stand by my previous statements that I personally believe there is a prominent past Mets player who took steroids and it will be a sad day if that is ever revealed.  I’ve been watching baseball since 1977 and I know what my eyes saw in 1978 as opposed to 1998 and I’m with Bob Costas in not believing that all the great baseball players came along at once.

7 Replies to “Murray Chass on Piazza and steroids”

  1. Full disclosure, I am a Piazza fan. I do not want to believe the stories…remember how how he had to have a press conference to say he was NOT gay…Playboy Bunny wife is a damn good way to live a lie and the daughter was a nice touch too. Not to mention if there was ever going to be a position that steroids could have been encouraged, it was catcher, but all of that is besides the point. With the people that are shown as the poster boys (Clemens, McGwire, Bonds, & Sosa) there is clear visible evidence. Not of that exists with Piazza. This is a guy that considering all of the Mets players that actually got caught doing steroids, how is it that he escaped. And not only was there no visible physical evidence, none of the emotional baggage that comes with doing PEDs came out either. How is it that he was the only one of these players that was, by all accounts, accommodating to the media (except Murray Chass, perhaps, which would explain is seeming vendetta) always went out of his way to be an ambassador for the team. And never had any of the ‘roid rage that supposedly comes with usage. Funny, I never read or heard any stories about how that Mike Piazza went crazy after Clemens beaned him or threw that “ball” at him in the 2000 World Series. If anything, I was screaming at the set for him to go to the mound and beat the crap out of that arrogant D-bag. So, until I see some real evidence or a failed test, like Palmiero, I will defend Piazza to the END.

    1. Totally agree with you on the bat-throwing incident. To this day, I maintain that the Mets lost the Series right there. Piazza should’ve gone after Clemens’ butt, but he didn’t, Clemens got to stay in the game, and it was firmly established that the Big, Bad Yankees could have their way with their intimidated little brothers from across town without a shred of consequence.

      People always argue, “Piazza did the right thing. He takes a swing, and he sits the next few games!” And then what, we lose in 4 games instead of 5?

  2. There is _one_ person who’s accused Piazza of anything, and that’s Chass.

    Notice how he said talk to “any reporter” and yet fails to reference or cite even just one?

    And this is befor his credibility took an even bigger hit in regards to the Hall of Fame attack.

  3. I’m afraid I’m a pessimist here. ‘Full disclosure’ has been generally avoided among ball players, unless they get caught. And even then, the denials. Seems like the Player’s Association is encouraging a black out.

    When I see a particularly big or sculpted player, I get suspicious. The players have done this to themselves, lying to cover themselves and each other, looking the other way etc.

  4. Honestly who cares about steroids? The purity argument is old white men reminiscing in sepia tones. Ruth never played against blacks. Amphetamines were as much a part of the game as pine tar. So a majority of players were juicing up who cares? How is that different? This witch hunt is taking of HUAC-esque tones. And heres a dirty little secret, pump up any former player railing about steroids with truth serum and I would bet a million dollars that to a man they would all say that if they thought it would improve their game they’d juice up too.

  5. Greg, I was talking about my honesty, I stated my opinion but wanted to anyone reading to know my biases.

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