Dave Howard says: Gangbusters Mets ticket sales!

Adam Rubin does an awesome Morning Mets briefing every day, and today he mentioned that our buddy Dave Howard told a certain newspaper that lives behind a pay wall that Mets tickets are selling like gangbusters.

Rubin’s excerpt quotes Dave as saying season ticket sales are up. Traditionally, the Mets use the phrase season tickets to mean the full 81 whereas fat guys like me get more casual with the term (in Mets-see I have a plan, not season tix).

No word on plan sales, but if overall is up you can consider me to be “quite surprised.” The discounts were nice but let’s not get crazy.

Meanwhile I’m just gonna drool over my blue and orange Mets jacket which is making its debut today. I want to stalk myself and take pictures of it.

Randy, how much does it cost for you to make a Ghostbusters/Dave Howard mash?

7 Replies to “Dave Howard says: Gangbusters Mets ticket sales!”

  1. Sounds the like entire organization learned how to cover up a thing or two from the ponzi scheme. I can understand not badmouthing your product, but there has to come a point where you start insulting the intelligence of your fan base and it becomes counter productive.

    So…who believes Dave Howard? lol

  2. Ganbusters as compatred to what? What are they going to say sales are 25% down?…Its all in the spin!

  3. If they’re happy with ticket sales, I’m happy.

    I don’t for a minute believe that ticket sales are up compared to 2009, but the price drop & incentives could have helped them sell more compared to 2010 (or projections for 2011).

  4. They have no pitchers… they didn’t sell more tickets thus far than they did last year, there is 0 way even Bernie Madoff could pull off that scam.

  5. To see how “gangbusters” ticket sales are… just run a mock ticket package through mets.com up to the point where you actually have to purchase the tickets. all of the new flex packs offer tickets to opening day or the subway series. Even on the cheap plans, you’re still getting tickets in sections 504, 524, 525 & 526 for the most sought after games. If tickets were “gangbusters” the marquee games would be available in 535, 536, 537 & 538. There are going to be plenty left once single game tickets go on sale.

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