Mets lose in unlucky black uniforms

The Mets lost to the Nationals while wearing their unlucky black uniforms. For the last week all Mets victories have reportedly been directly tied to what the Mets were wearing.

With the Mets on a losing streak, one can only hope Terry Collins will have the courage to suggest that the team shake off their losing ways by switching the team uniform, as such bold decisions have clearly worked in the past.

To roll out the same losing uniform tomorrow would suggest to me that there’s no real plan here and that losing has become acceptable.

Black must go if the Mets are to break this curse that started back on April 28th.

15 Replies to “Mets lose in unlucky black uniforms”

  1. Washington, DC – The New York Mets today asked for and received special permission from the Commissioner’s office to alter their uniform during the season in order to break a losing streak. “We’re going with the underline script from 1993-1994, with a black dropshadow and hybrid cap. This combines two very popular designs introduced since our last championship,” said Met VP David Howard. Howard expects the new uniform to be a top seller and has made it available immediately on

      1. As silly as those were, it would be kinda cool to have one for that very reason.

        I’ll take the swoops over the black tops any day.

  2. I’d be willing to bet now that the streak is over they will be superstitious enough to stop wearing the black, at least for a day or two. The superstition in baseball is mind-boggling sometimes.

  3. I wrote of this in my blog this afternoon. Is “wear ’em until they lose” going to be the thing now? Does the fact that they only lost a ROAD game in the black tops still make them fair game for the next home game?

    This whole thing has just been bizarre.

  4. As someone who played competitive sports, including semi pro baseball up until I was 25, I know what the mind set it. I know the black sucks. But when the team is struggling, you try to do ANYTHING to reverse your “luck”. Whether it’s not washing certain articles of clothing, wearing a thong or wearing a certain uniform, athletes are very superstitious. Do I want them wearing black every night? No. Do I want the Mets to win, and in the process do everything and anything to make it happen? Absolutely. We all know the color of your uniform has nothing to do with how well you play. But keeping things the way they are creates a mindset of comfort and stability that gives these guys the ease to perform and gives them something to hang on to to help them.

    1. I get that, but this win streak actually began in the Butt-Ugly Hybrid Look. Why was it OK to change the uniform from Thursday to Friday but not Saturday through Thursday?

    2. a team on a streak has to respect the streak…you know why? because they don’t…they don’t happen very often.

      if you believe you’re playing well because you’re getting laid, or because you’re not getting laid, or because you wear women’s underwear, then you ARE!

      and you should know that!

  5. Ok hopefully the black uniform quota is filled for this season. No more black. I hope metspolice never lets up on this.

    Black is not a Mets color.

    The fans are true to the ORANGE and BLUE

  6. Strangely I’m happy it’s over I got tired of watching an over 30 softball team play every night.

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