Goon Morning to You

I figure I should do the Saturday morning MP post that Shannon usually does. Now I do not go to the unnamed donut chain like he does. I actually prefer to go to GoonBucks.













Shannon is still away and I am really shocked that there was no trade news that happened at all this week. Last night marked the return of David Wright to the team. He had two RBI doubles last night but also had two strikeouts.Unless Beltran gets traded today it seems like it will be a slow news day. If any of you have any content you wish to share hit me up at my email [email protected] or follow me on twitter @mediagoon. Thanks guys.

Shannon would be happy to know #28 was moved to first so he didn’t lose any playing time.

One Reply to “Goon Morning to You”

  1. I’m with you. Goonbucks over unnamed donut chain.

    Maybe if Jason Bay was better we could all compromise and go with Tim Hortons.

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