Tom Seaver 1987

Good morning!  I’m pretty excited about the blog today and next week.  I’m in one of those great runs of there being “too much content” which is a great problem to have.

I’m extremely excited about something Seaver that I will have for you on Monday.  It’s one of my favorite things that I’ve ever posted.

There’s also something cool coming up later this morning via Steve D.

But speaking of Seaver, a different Steve checked in:

Hey Shannon…

Funny you should post the Tom Seaver cover.  I was holding these 2 pics as examples of Seaver wearing Mets jerseys he never wore in major league game action.  The first is what appears to be an outtake from the session that produced that cover (as you mentioned, he is wearing the 1982 style jersey) and the second is Seaver in his 1987 comeback attempt pitching for the Mets in an exhibition game against the Tidewater Tides wearing the 1 year style road jersey (I may be wrong, but I think that was the last time Seaver pitched in any kind of professional level game as he retired soon after).

Keep up the good work with the site!


Steve thank YOU.  Great stuff.

While I have everyone’s attention I have been thinking about the blog again.  I really love doing it. However, I can’t express enough how my ultimate goal is to shut it down.


Yep.  I’ve been fortunate to get an audience around these parts and lots of new readers and twitter followers (@metspolice) and Facebook friends and even Google+ and heck I have even been able to get to know some of the insiders out in Queens.

I set out to make the Metsiverse a better place, and I think for Mets fans we’re in a better place than we were when I started.

Don’t worry, I won’t be quitting any time soon.

Ideally, the Mets will win the World Series in nice uniforms, I will do one last post covering the parade and then I’m out.  Or Media Goon can have it.  Or if this takes 25 years then Junior can have it.

Other random thoughts:

– the blog is a mix of poor man’s Mushnick, poor man’s Uni Watch, and the conversations I used to have on email (or the schoolyard) with my buddies.  I’m thankful to Matt Cerrone for without his links this site would probably have 6 readers (and we’ve had a few good lunches). I’m thankful to the Mets for inviting me to things where they could have very easily decided I was annoying and shut me out.

– I grew up in Queens along Roosevelt Avenue.  I met Tom Seaver when I was young.  I openly have a man-crush on Lee Mazzilli.  I used to go to LOTS of games with my dad when the Mets stunk in the late 70’s/early 80’s.  Now you should understand why the site is a weird mix of Seaver, Mazzilli and complaining.

– I love when you guys and gals send in topics and suggestions.  I can be reached at [email protected]

– The name Mets Police comes from…again the key to everything here is 1977-1983….I like Sting’s band and I like the baseball team from near my childhood home.  Police + Mets.  Get it?

– The Shark was my golden retriever. I started this site on Blogger with no real plan. Blogger uses gmail accounts so I used my [email protected] address I used to use for contests and whatnot.  Well, now I have a successful blog and a pseudonym…and it keeps the Shark’s name alive.  The Shark would steal your food if you weren’t looking.

– best moment at Shea: Tom Seaver walks in from RF Opening Day 1983.

– worst moment at Shea: Terry Pendleton, September 11, 1987.

Thanks for reading!

4 Replies to “Tom Seaver 1987”

  1. I was unlucky enough to have been at the Terry Pendleton game. (And the game when Doc gave up the home run to Scioscia.) I had a big season ticket plan. And I’m that old.

  2. best moment at shea- i was 11 years old on a hot summer night at shea IN 1969 seaver gives up a single to the cubs break up the perfecto. it was just the look on his face that showed ” im still a winner”

    2nd best moment at shea- when i was 14,i went to shea to pick up tix for a game. i wandered to the parking lot where the players park behind the score board.
    it was a work out day and i saw seaver . i waved to him. he said come on over. we sat on his bergundy porche and talked base ball !!!


  3. I am 99% sure that game at Tidewater WAS indeed Seaver’s last game of any kind (well, non-simulated) in uniform. I have a clipping of the story from the next day somewhere.

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