Bill Buckner on MSG+ tonight

Fresh off the heels of the worst regular season collapse in baseball history, the Red Sox may want to turn to Bill Bucker for some advice on how to deal with disappointment: Monetize it!

Buckner recently sat down with MSG’s Fran Healy for a new episode of “Halls of Fame” (Monday at 10pm on MSG Plus) to discuss his childhood and high school days, a lengthy professional career that included a batting title and more career hits than Joe DiMaggio, and, of course, the infamous error in the 1986 World Series that sent the All-Star to the head of the class in the pantheon of ill-timed mistakes. But after all these years, Buckner doesn’t regret the play and has even turned the blunder into a post-career livelihood by cashing in on signings and memorabilia with former Met Mookie Wilson, who hit the ball that went between his legs.

Says Buckner: “I put my two girls through college with the money we made. It was fun. Mookie and I are good friends.” Maybe someday Jonathan Papelbon will be signing photos of the season-ending hit he gave up to the Orioles last week.