This date in ’86: The miracle of Game 6 – Mets Blog – ESPN New York

I’ll be linking to Mark Simon a lot today.  Oh, it’s the 25th anniversary of the Buckner game in case you’re reading Mets blogs and nobody is mentioning it.

If you weren’t lucky enough (or born yet) to experience this one, there will never be another like it.

“Everybody sitting very quietly in that New York Mets dugout,” said Mets radio announcer Bob Murphy, “hoping against hope that something will start to happen.”

via This date in ’86: The miracle of Game 6 – Mets Blog – ESPN New York.

To appreciate the jubilation of the Buckner play (and the game was tied, it’s not like he steps on first and the Red Sox win) you had to go through the despair…man it was bad.  How could this team possibly lose?

Plenty more to come…